On Dec 4, 2004, at 3:37 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 3 déc. 04, à 21:40, Glen Ezkovich a écrit :
...I'm not sure I agree that templates as being part of the view. I look at them more as providing XML structure to the data....

We need both actually - if you work with the "two-step view" pattern (which is very natural with Cocoon), you need a first set of templates to generate XML out of your data, and a second set to transform the XML into the final presentation format.

Currently we have JXTG for the first step, and mostly XSLT for the second. Having something that could cover both steps and be usable by either programmers working on the first step or designers working on the second would be a Really Good Thing.

I'm not really sure what you mean by having something that could cover both steps. JXTG covers both steps in the sense that many people are using it to inject their data into their html. Now, to have a template transformer, that is something with which I would really like to play. I'm not very found of XSL. A simpler alternative could be a Really, Really Good Thing.


[1] http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/twoStepView.html

One of my favorites books. ;-) http://www.martinfowler.com/books.html#eaa

Glen Ezkovich HardBop Consulting glen at hard-bop.com http://www.hard-bop.com

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

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