Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Jaka Jaksic <jaka.jaksic <at>> writes:

But even then you realize that accessing the natural functionality (and power) of Cocoon is often very difficult, because there is no obvious API and no
function library to access the core functionality.

BTW, this is the most negative issue with Cocoon at least one person has (I
don't mean myself and I don't want to speak in his name, so leave him
anonymous): Cocoon does not really provide an API you can program to.

We have bunch of solid APIs - take G/T/S, Reader, Matcher/S/A for example, whole Avalon set of interfaces and components, etc.

Problem I guess is that those are not documented anywhere near good enough. Is there anything more than [1]? Berin's documentation work should help in this area.

*my* problem is

Look at it... it's a monster... it includes *everything*. A javadoc is useless if it's too big to be used as a reference.

Some of that stuff is meant to be used by developers using cocoon as a framework and some by developers developing cocoon itself.

Not only, APIs are here and there, some in avalon, some in excalibur... great to see them linked together, but it would be even better if they were all in one place, with the same look and feel and with a single page to show all you have to know.

I think a better, leaner, cleaner javadoc would go a *LOOOONG* way to make things easier.


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