Ross Gardler wrote:
<about label="About">
  <xi:include href="cocoon://"/>
<documentation label="Documentation">
  <xi:include href="cocoon://"/>

Right, I've updated the navigation document of the Daisy legacydocs. It now consists of group items (About, Documentation, Status ...) each containing an import of a navigation document that is named


I've created a new live site document that includes the other documents to recreate one page containing all versions, to mimic the current page on the site.

There are some issues left:

- the planning part under "status" is slightly different, due to the same problem that happened in the top level. However, since most of these pages are outdated and because it concerns only about 5 pages, I don't see much point in restructuring this part as well.

- when moving over the content of the xdocs section I focused on the menu and making sure that the content was either in Daisy or, when I couldn't find the corresponding page in xdocs, I made sure there was a link to the corresponding page in the site. There is a lot of jumping around between top-level and 2.1 that just created the confusion. This means that some parts of the top-level ended up in Daisy, some didn't. I still don't see the value of the top-level part of Cocoon not being part of the 2.1 version. But let's postpone that discussion until after the 2.1.8 release.

- when updating the documentation I changed a few pages, in the portal and authentication part. I merely split the pages into chunks of more manageable size. I'll try to give these parts a meaningful URL (rather than a number), but that's only for hiding the number, I'm more and more inclined to a complete overhaul of the docs after 2.1.8 release and get rid of legacy urls.

- I didn't realise there were samples pointing to the docs. I've seen the Lucene sample issue discussed. I can't think of a quick/temporary fix.

- I noticed some of the cforms pages have no nodeIds added, I'll try to add those tomorrow.

In short: after I've added the missing nodeIds and Ross changed the site.xml file in Forrest, the only thing left are the links from the samples into the docs. The top-level can probably used as is with the exception of the live sites, these are updated in Daisy.

Bye, Helma

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