Reinhard already started the discussion on readding per sitemap
classloading which I think is a good idea. I'll try to add the code
over the weekend again.

But I think we should go one step further: Let's always use the paranoid
class loader for the whole webapp. I started a discussion about this a
long time ago and I think noone disagreed at that time (haven't searched
in the archives). I hope this is still the case.

Now, my idea is to solve all class path related problems (xml apis,
rhino, commons-logging) with this. I suggest that we:
a) move the paranoid class loader code (3 classes without additional
dependencies) to the core-webapp block. It doesn't make sense to make
this code an own block.
b) Configure this as the default (I already did this and it worked on my
machine - as it didn't work on Reinhards he commented it out. We have to
 find out what went wrong).
c) Change the deployer tool to *not* put all jars in WEB-INF/lib and
classes in WEB-INF/classes. I think we should only put the paranoid
servlet and classloader class into WEB-INF/lib and everything else goes
into a different directory to hide these classes from the usual
application container classpath. It doesn't make sense to add all these
jars to the webapp classpath although they are not used at all. So we
put them into an own directory, let's they WEB-INF/cocoon-lib and the
paranoid class loader loads everything from there.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG