Joerg Heinicke skrev:
On 10.08.2006 11:41, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

As Java 5 was released almost 2 years ago, I propose making it the
minimum requirement for trunk and all artifacts released from there.

-0, because this means eliminating cocoon 2.2 on "older" application
servers eg weblogic 8.1.
IIUC weblogic 8.1 uses servlet 2.3 so I guess you need to veto the use of servlet 2.4 to make this a valid point.

Don't know about Weblogic (it was not my argument),
Joerg, vetoing a proposal is a serious issue as your single vote blocks everyone else vote. That means that all argument for the veto must be scrutinized so that we as a community can find a consensus based on facts.

And as your veto is based on among other things servlet container compatibility we need to know if there are containers that we find it important to support for 2.2 that doesn't work with Java 5.

but servlet spec does not matter that deeply IMO. I voted +1 on servlet 2.4 mostly because of the request listeners. As long as the 2.4 features are kept out of core (which of them can surface coincidentally?) we still can claim 2.3 compatibility and provide 2.4 features like request listeners as optional features. The same way Spring is handling the request/session scoped beans by providing a listener [1] (see Javadoc) and a filter [2].
The servlet API has always been a central part of Cocoon and with 2.2 it becomes even more important as it is used instead of the Processor interface. To follow what you say above means in practice that core parts of Cocoon must not use 2.4 and that 2.4 can only be used in optional blocks that no important functionality should depend on. The vote about Servlet 2.4 was about using Servlet 2.4 in trunk. If you want to achieve what you describe above you must veto that proposal and make an alternative proposal.

If there are other use cases that require Java 1.4 you should seriously consider if Simones proposal of using the Retroweaver would be enough.

This works only as long as you don't use extensions made to the JDK classes. Different JDK versions are not just about language features but also about APIs. So this is no replacement IMO.
OK. So that bring us back to the key question: what specific problem would we get by using Java 5?

Frankly, I don't see the point in upgrading unless there's a killer
feature in 1.5 that
1) we are likely to use and implement in the near future (2006) and,
2) will improve cocoon by a significant margin.
We never require something like that when we update the version on libraries we depend on. For libraries we depend on the latest stable version as long as it doesn't create any problems, we never require that anybody is going to use the latest features.

Don't understand that point.
Our policy is to always use the latest stable version of all libraries that we depend on. There are many good reasons for that: we get presumably less buggy and better versions of the libraries, our adaption becomes to newer versions becomes gradual instead of abrupt as we update often and we help both the communities we depend on and ourselves by testing early.

So our policy for updating libraries is far for what you require for updating JDK. Also, not updating JDK will give us increasing problems in using the latest stable version of used libraries as they are starting to require Java 5.

For the "killer features", lots of people have said that they are interested in using various features in Java 5, do you find your lack of interest in these features a strong enough reason to prevent others from using them?

I second this, but vote even -1. I wonder why a framework should set such high requirements. Have a look on spring. They have a Java 1.3 as minimum requirement and only need Java 5 for special features.

IMO we should do it in a similar manner and not set the general requirement to Java 5.
Cocoon is both a framework and a set of applications. Compared to Spring, Cocoon is less framework oriented.

Understand what you want to claim, but can't follow. Why do you think so?
The core offering from the Spring framework is the bean factory, which is a low level framework that is used in numerous other projects many of which are used by still other projects in turn. Cocoon is a much higher level framework, and is with a few exceptions used directly to build applications with. This means that it is enough to ask our users what they think, while Spring need to understand their users users. And because of that need to be more conservative.

So, Cocoon and Spring are quite different kind of beasts, so we need to understand why they support Java 1.3 to know if their reasons are relevant for us.

If you want to follow the Spring policy I think you should formulate an alternative proposal which describes when it is OK to use Java 5 and when it is not.

Isn't this quite easy? Always provide a Java 1.4 alternative and make Java 5 features optional. See declarative transaction demarcation in Spring. It's completely possible without Java 5. But you can use annotations for it as well. And even those can be used with Java 1.4 and commons attributes IIRC.
Always providing a 1.4 alternative means a lot of extra, and fairly boring, work. I think we better focus on one version.

I simply still can't see how Java 5 will help us significantly.
And if you keep your veto you will prevent all the rest of us who believe that it would help us to explore if it will help us as well.

Look, there might be excellent reasons for not upgrading and if there are it is better that we find them. And I agree with Jorg that if many people who otherwise would use 2.2 don't because of Java 5, that would be a good reason for waiting with upgrading to Java 5. But this far no one have said that they would have any problems with it, neither at cocoon-dev or cocoon-user.


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