Giacomo Pati wrote:
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I'm still trying to migrate my project from deployer to rcl plugin with no 
success (and now not even
 the old one works) :-(

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Giacomo Pati wrote:
BTW: Can we have a released deployer plugin as well.
I think that Cocoon should only have one Maven plugin with as many
goals as needed.
I've done the work (sorry Andrew that I committed at the wrong moment)
today. I  successfully run mvn clean install -P allblocks with an empty
repository this evening.

If you want to use the plugin or want to upgrade, add it to your pom.xml

-        <artifactId>cocoon-rcl-plugin</artifactId>
+        <artifactId>cocoon-maven-plugin</artifactId>

In order to invoke it, use

cocoon:rcl     (was cocoon-rcl:webapp)
cocoon:deploy  (cocoon:deploy)

As time permits here at the ApacheCon, I will work on the documentation
of both goals and their properties.

In short, the first one creates a minimal web application that enables
you to run a block. As the name says it supports automatic reloads
whenever a resources changes. This feature also includes .java files.

I got a couple of NPE when starting a block with jetty:run:


I cannot determine whether this is normal or not.

I see this exception too but can't help with it.

Patches are not applied with the cocoon:rcl and cocoon:deploy requires you 
project being of
packaging war but sometimes patches are needed as part of a deployment process 
of a webapp (i.e.
ACEGI filters).

The second one allows "patching" the web.xml by adding snippets from
META-INF/cocoon/xpatch to it. It also supports a feature that reverses
the classloader hierarchy in a web application by using a shielding

But can only be used if packaging of the project is war!

I ported the patching functionality to cocoon:rcl too. In order to be consistent with our other directory names, the plugins search for patch files in /COB-INF/cocoon/xpatch/*.xweb.

But I have to admit that I only tested it very basically because I don't really use it myself.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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