Le 07/03/2012 12:57, sebb a écrit :

Since CSV is currently only a single package with very few classes,
would it perhaps be suitable as a part of an existing Commons

[csv] is still small but will probably increase in size as more features are integrated (like the bean mapping). I prefer to leave it as an independent component. If it was to be merged with another component in the future I think [flatfile] would be a better candidate.

[This would solve the package name issue.]

Let's not try contortions to solve this issue. We have to admit that the impact is limited. The solr-commons-csv artifact is not widely used, Solr is going to fix the next releases, and for people importing the previous release it'll be possible to exclude the dependency to avoid a conflict.

It's not perfect but it's good enough to keep the current package and class names unchanged. Well put a warning on the main page to document the issue.

Emmanuel Bourg

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