On 13/03/2019 02:20, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
Le mar. 12 mars 2019 à 22:34, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :

On 12 Mar 2019, at 17:12, Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com> wrote:

[Replying to list.]

Le mar. 12 mars 2019 à 15:39, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com 
<mailto:alex.d.herb...@gmail.com>> a écrit :

On 12/03/2019 15:33, Gilles Sadowski wrote:

Hi Alex.

Le mar. 12 mars 2019 à 12:53, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :

On 11/03/2019 23:44, Gilles Sadowski wrote:


Le jeu. 7 mars 2019 à 00:44, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :

On 6 Mar 2019, at 22:57, Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com> wrote:

However I will test if XorShift1024Star and XorShift1024StarPhi are correlated 
just for completeness.

Did a test of 100 repeats of a correlation of 50 longs from the 
XorShift1024Star and XorShift1024StarPhi, new seed each time:

n: 100
min: -0.30893547071559685
max: 0.37616626218398586
sum: 3.300079237520435
mean: 0.033000792375204355
geometric mean: NaN
variance: 0.022258533475114764
population variance: 0.022035948140363616
second moment: 2.2035948140363617
sum of squares: 2.312500043775496
standard deviation: 0.14919294043323486
sum of logs: NaN

Note that the algorithm is the same except the final step when the multiplier 
is used to scale the final output long:

   return state[index] * multiplier;

So if it was outputting a double the correlation would be 1. But it is a long 
generator so the long arithmetic wraps to negative on large multiplications. 
The result is that the mean correlation is close to 0.

A single repeat using 1,000,000 numbers has a correlation of 0.002.

Am I missing something here with this type of test?

I'm afraid I don't follow: If the state is the same then I'd assume that
the two generators are the same (i.e. totally correlated).

The state is totally correlated (it is identical). The output sequence is not 
due to wrapping in long arithmetic. Here’s a mock example:

positive number * medium positive number = big positive number (close to 


positive number * bigger positive number = negative number (due to wrapping)

So by changing the multiplier this wrapping causes the output bits to be different. 
This is why the new variant "eliminates linear dependencies from one of the 
lowest bits” (quoted from the authors c code).

The multiplier was changed from 1181783497276652981L to 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13L. 
These numbers are big:

Long.MAX_VALUE / 1181783497276652981L = 7.8046207770792755
Long.MAX_VALUE / 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13L = -1.3090169943749475

Big enough such that wrapping will occur on every multiplication unless the positive 
number is <8, or now <2. So basically all the time.

So, IIUC, the output is thus a truncated product formed by the wrapping long 
arithmetic and not correlated.

I wonder: Would that mean that any choice of a "big" number creates a new RNG?
IOW, if we create a composite one from such generators (i.e. pick one
number from
each in order to compose the composite source), will it be as good as
any of them
on the stress test suites?

I don't know. These are the numbers that the authors have come up with
after testing.

Sure. The "TWO_CMRES" variants also results from the author's
Some numbers make "good" generators, others not; but that still
does not say whether any two RNGs from the same family are
correlated.  In the case of "TWO_CMRES", the states differ by the
choice of *2* numbers, whereas here we change only one.
So the question is whether it is sufficient.

Perhaps other large numbers are worse.

These numbers are not prime but they are odd:

1181783497276652981L % 769 == 0

0x9e3779b97f4a7c13L == -7046029254386353133

7046029254386353133 % 3 == 0

In the code for SplittableRandom after a split the large value that is
used to add to the state to get the next state is created by a mixing
operation on the current state. Then the bit count is checked to ensure
enough transitions are present:

  * Returns the gamma value to use for a new split instance.
private static long mixGamma(long z) {
     z = (z ^ (z >>> 33)) * 0xff51afd7ed558ccdL; // MurmurHash3 mix
     z = (z ^ (z >>> 33)) * 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53L;
     z = (z ^ (z >>> 33)) | 1L;                  // force to be odd
     int n = Long.bitCount(z ^ (z >>> 1));       // ensure enough
     return (n < 24) ? z ^ 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL : z;

So the requirements for a big number may be that it is odd, close to
Long.MAX_VALUE (such that Long.MAX_VALUE / number < 2), and has a lot of

What is a "transition"?

A change in the bits from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 as you move across the binary 

So for example this has 3 transitions:


I think the point is to avoid numbers that look like this in binary:


(still 3 transitions)

Instead preferring a number that has lots of 0 to 1 flips. Here are the numbers 
we are discussing using Long.toBinaryString(long):

0x1000001100110100010011101010001010100100101111111110110110101 = 35
0x1001111000110111011110011011100101111111010010100111110000010101 = 31
0x1001111000110111011110011011100101111111010010100111110000010011 = 29


1181783497276652981 = 35
-7046029254386353131 = 31
-7046029254386353133 = 29

Note: -7046029254386353131 is the 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15L factor used in the
SplitMix64 algorithm. This is a variant of the new Phi factor for the
XorShift1024StarPhi algorithm and it has more transitions.

Anyway the new code for the XorShift1024StarPhi algorithm is a variant
of the original. The question is should we update the original or add
the alternative?

Modifying "XOR_SHIFT_1024_S" would breach the contract: the
source will return a different sequence.  This should be done only
in a major version.

We should certainly add the newer/better version (under a different

My question was indeed whether we should deprecate the
"XOR_SHIFT_1024_S" generator.
Not because it is not good enough (judging from its score on
the stress tests[1], it is still one of the best even if the new
"XOR_SHIFT_1024_STAR_PHI" is supposedly better).
The issue is whether we want "RandomSource" to only provide
independent generators (so that e.g. that can be safely used in a
multi-threaded application -- i.e. using a different implementation
in each thread is sufficient to ensure uncorrelated output[2]).

Does that make sense?
If so, one way would be to make the experiment of creating a
composite RNG (with the current and new variants) and pass it
through the test suites.

I don't think there is anything to composite. The code is exactly the same 
except for a final multiplier:

XorShift1024Star.java L109

The method for producing the internal state is the same. So a composite of 
internal states (ala TwoCmres) is not possible.

What I mean by "composite" is a new RNG class (code untested):

public class Composite implements RandomLongSource {
    private final UniformRandomProvider rng[] = new UniformRandomProvider[2];
    private int flip = 0;

    public Composite(long[] seed) {
        rng[0] = new XorShiftStar1024Star(seed);
        rng[1] = new XorShiftStar1024StarPhi(seed);

    public long nextLong() {
        return rng[flip++ % 2].nextLong();

So your concern is that a user may use a XOR_SHIFT_1024_S and 
XOR_SHIFT_1024_S_PHI with possibly the same seed in different threads and 
experience correlated sequences producing biased results?

This possibility should be documented if it exists. But how to test that?
By submitting the "Composite" to BigCrush.

Do you mean a bitwise xor of the output from each generator, then passed 
through the test suites?
No just using the output of each alternatively (cf. above).
OK. I’ll do that next.

I’ve just checked how the xor composite is progressing. It is not happy. 82 
PASSED and 766 FAILED from 8 incomplete runs. It seems to be stuck in an 
infinite loop in the rgb_kstest_test. The whole suite usually takes 100 minutes 
and they have all been running just that test for 5 hours. Reading the summary 
info (dieharder -d 204 -h)I cannot tell what is it about this test that has 
Strange, but I have no idea about the internals of the test suites...

Dieharder did eventually finish the first 8 runs. Perhaps the test took a long time to determine if it was a pass/fail since it was borderline. Anyway they all eventually failed that test.

I tried the following:

XorComposite: A composite of two rngs using the xor operation:

return new IntProvider() {
    public int next() {
        return rng1.nextInt() ^ rng2.nextInt();

SerialComposite: A composite of two rngs using alternating output:

return new IntProvider() {
    int flip;
    public int next() {
        return ((flip++ & 1) == 0) ? rng1.nextInt() : rng2.nextInt();

I ran:

XorShiftXorComposite: XorComposite using XorShift1024Star + XorShift1024StarPhi with the same seed

XorShiftSerialComposite: SerialComposite using XorShift1024Star + XorShift1024StarPhi with the same seed

SplitXorComposite: XorComposite using XorShift1024Star + TwoCmres (this is a control)

FAILURE counts for Dieharder:

XorShiftXorComposite : 89, 105, 104, 104, 105, 106, 105, 104
XorShiftSerialComposite : 27, 23, 22
SplitXorComposite : 0, 0, 0

This shows that a combined generator using two different variants of XorShift1024 is not good. So the two XorShift1024 generators are correlated. Evidence for deprecation.

BigCrush takes longer so I'll try that next. It may just be a whole load of failures. I'll add the results to the Jira ticket.

I’ll let it go until the morning and then kill it. I think this xor composite 
generator is bad. I’ll check if it even works for two unrelated generators.

I think the serial composite (chained together output) should be an IntProvider 
instead given that the test suites use nextInt()? If you use a LongProvider 
then you will get 2 ints from one then 2 from the other.
Yes, although that should not impact the ability of BigCrush to
provide a verdict.

Note that % 2 will break if it overflows to negative.
Right.  What I intended was something like:

    public long nextLong() {
        flip = (flip + 1) % 2;
        return rng[flip].nextLong();


This works with negatives: [flip++ & 0x1]. I read somewhere that BigCrush 
consumes about 2^32 ints so it would be far into the test before you found that one.

IIUC if the bits are more similar than not then the xor will make them zero 
more often than not. This should fail the tests.

Maybe one to think about before deprecating a good generator. So I would vote 
for putting the new XOR_SHIFT_1024_S_PHI along side the XOR_SHIFT_1024_S. Then 
perhaps a Jira ticket to do some investigation of the properties of them run 
side by side as a composite.
That's the point, if they are independent, no need to deprecate;
if they are not, then the better version should be advertised as
a replacement (as done on the author's web site IIUC).





[1] http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-rng/userguide/rng.html#a5._Quality 
[2] Provided the seed is good enough, but that's a different issue.
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