> On 14 Mar 2019, at 14:10, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, my earlier message was truncated.
> On 13/03/2019 18:31, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
>>> I ran:
>>> XorShiftXorComposite: XorComposite using XorShift1024Star +
>>> XorShift1024StarPhi with the same seed
>>> XorShiftSerialComposite: SerialComposite using XorShift1024Star +
>>> XorShift1024StarPhi with the same seed
>>> SplitXorComposite: XorComposite using XorShift1024Star + TwoCmres (this
>>> is a control)
>>> FAILURE counts for Dieharder:
>>> XorShiftXorComposite : 89, 105, 104, 104, 105, 106, 105, 104
>>> XorShiftSerialComposite : 27, 23, 22
>>> SplitXorComposite : 0, 0, 0
> BigCrush has finally finished:
> XorShiftXorComposite : 0, 3, 0
> XorShiftSerialComposite : 0, 0, 0
> SplitXorComposite : 0, 1, 0
> These results are actually not bad.
> I am wondering about the Dieharder results. I think that originally I did a 
> xor operation on nextLong for the XorShiftXorComposite. Although it should 
> not matter (due to caching of nextLong() to produce ints) I will redo this 
> using nextInt for all composites as I just did for BigCrush. Dieharder did 
> take an extremely long time so to make sure I will repeat Dieharder after a 
> machine reboot. A linux update to c libraries may have affected it.
> Alex

I re-ran Dieharder. It still fails a lot.

XorShiftXorComposite : 88, 105, 89 : 396.2 +/- 9.9
XorShiftSerialComposite : 24, 25, 23 : 134.1 +/- 16.1
SplitXorComposite : 0, 0, 0 : 90.8 +/- 21.9

The numbers at the end are the average and SD of the run time in minutes.

So the good generator passes the test suite OK in 90 minutes. The bad generator 
takes over 6 hours and fails a lot. When I was periodically checking the 
results for completion I think this time is mainly spent in the 
rgb_kstest_test. But why that takes so long I do not know. It fails for the 
XorShiftXorComposite but passes for the XorShiftSerialComposite.

All results are now posted to the RNG-82 jira ticket.

Q. Whether to deprecate the XOR_SHIFT_1024_S?

- Dieharder says yes
- BigCrush says no (WHY?)

I have investigated whether the c code for calling TestU01 is not passing the 
values through. A quick look at the stdin2testu01.c code here:

unsigned long nextInt(void *par,
                      void *sta) {
  StdinReader_state *state = (StdinReader_state *) sta;
  if (state->index >= BUFFER_LENGTH) {
    /* Refill. */
    fread(state->buffer, sizeof(unsigned long), BUFFER_LENGTH, stdin);
    state->index = 0;

  uint32_t random = state->buffer[state->index];
  ++state->index; /* Next request. */

  return random;

state->buffer is a long and is read as a long. This is then used to return a 
uint32_t which is a 32-bit unsigned. 

The c standard for long states that it can be 32-bits or more! So to check what 
happens on my 64-bit test machine:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(void){
    printf("sizeof(int) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(int));
    printf("sizeof(long) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(long));
    printf("sizeof(unsigned long) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(unsigned long));
    printf("sizeof(uint32_t) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(uint32_t));
    printf("sizeof(double) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(double));
    unsigned long value = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 8 * (int)sizeof(unsigned long); i++) {
        printf("[%d] %lu = %u\n", i, value, (uint32_t) value);
        value = (value << 1);
    return 0;

> gcc test.c && ./a.out

sizeof(int) = 4
sizeof(long) = 8
sizeof(unsigned long) = 8
sizeof(uint32_t) = 4
sizeof(double) = 8
[31] 1073741824 = 1073741824
[32] 2147483648 = 2147483648
[33] 4294967296 = 0
[34] 8589934592 = 0

ERROR: It seems my machine thinks a long is 8 bytes but the test code in 
stdin2testu01.c assumes it is 4 bytes! So when the long is cast to uint32_t the 
upper 32-bits are lost.

This means that the test suite run on my machine for TestU01 is passing 
alternating ints from UniformRandomProvider nextInt() through to the TestU01 
test suite.

It may help explain why the test takes so long because it has to generate twice 
as many numbers.

Can you check your standard stress test environment for the size of (unsigned 
long) using the above code?

Note: This does not make the BigCrush results invalid for a standard long 
provider. But it does means that the BigCrush results correspond to the lower 
32-bits from the long.

For an int provider it means that alternative ints are ignored. That is not 

I am going to update stdin2testu01.c so that it passes all the input bits to 
TestU01 and try again.

I’ve read some of the code and manual of TestU01 and the values that are 
returned from the unif01_Gen->GetBits method (unsigned long) are assumed to be 
32-bit unsigned. So I think just changing stdin2testu01.c to read the buffer 
using uint32_t should work.


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