On 09.01.2015 15:43, Branko Čibej wrote:
> On 09.01.2015 14:04, Ulrich Stärk wrote:
>> If I'm not mistaken, SVN does the same (combine and compress all changes 
>> prior to sending it over
>> the wire).
> Not entirely; it sends deltas and will compress new files IF the server
> has mod_deflate configured (but they usually don't because there was a
> huge memory leak there for the longest time), but doesn't combine them.
> It can't, since it doesn't have the repository available locally.
> Subversion working copy state can differ substantially from repository
> state, yet the commit can still succeed; this is not the case with Git.
> On 2015-01-08 10:28, Robert Metzger wrote:
>>> I think there is a performance difference between git and svn because with
>>> git, you are syncing repositories, not files. Git is usually compressing
>>> the repository before sending it over the network.
>>> I did a little test with our website directory and pushed it to github:
>>> git add : 7 seconds (17k files)
>>> git repo size: 58 MB (du -sh in ".git" dir)
>>> git push to github : 35 seconds (using the same internet connection as with
>>> the svn)
> In this case, Subversion will generate a PUT request for each file,
> whereas Git will, IIRC, send a single file across the wire. The problem
> here is that Subversion does not (yet) pipeline PUTs, so the difference
> you're seeing is the request latency.
> We've been talking about pipelining PUTs for ages ... but no-one is
> currently working on that, so ... we need more incentive! :)

FWIW, such commits should be a lot faster via svn:// than via http://.
But we can't use svn:// at all at the ASF because the repo replication
method we currently use only supports http://.

-- Brane

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