On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 6:37 AM, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:
> However, I think we can do better in 2016. I want to see Apache have a table
> at FOSDEM 2016, representing more than just one project, with proper respect
> to the historical position of AOO at the event - ie, not just usurping their
> place there.

A huge +1 there. Any opportunity where you get to tap into attention of 5000+
developers is something we can't miss.

> * Table Staff: I figure it takes at least 6 people to staff a FOSDEM table
> if you don't want to go insane. Daniel and Jan have said that they will
> staff the table. So we're 1/3 of the way there.

I can volunteer for part time as well. It is very likely that I'd have to split
my time between Pivotal booth and ASF's one in 2016.

Finally, as FYI: I'm now very actively pursuing having a bigdata/distributed
systems dev room at FOSDEM 2016. Given that most of those projects
come from ASF, hopefully we'd have ever more ASF hackers at FOSDEM
next year.


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