Le dimanche 8 mars 2015 11:28:22 Daniel Gruno a écrit :
> > - "Whereas the old pages were basic, the new ones have kind of an unusual
> > dark theme to them and look unpolished (vs. just plain as the old one)"
> > (copy/paste of another feedback that perfectly summarised a feeling I
> > could not express better)
> Heh, not really a technical argument ;-) But if people feel it's too
> dark, they are more than welcome to submit a patch for something lighter :)
yes, I'll try :)

> > - can we have a link to source? how can we submit patches? how can we test
> > for ourselves improvement ideas before submitting patches? This is really
> > a good start, but IMHO, if we don't have community involved in updates,
> > this new site will loose a great opportunity to have contributors (unless
> > it is a choice to avoid contributors)
> It's under the comdev banner, and as such, is available at
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/comdev/projects.apache.org/
great, I'll have a look

> > - why doesn't this use the CMS for some classical pages? Should not some
> > parts of the old site be added to the new graphic content? While graphics
> > and generated content are great, I think that some handwritten content
> > would be useful (to explain where data come from, for example, or what
> > happened to DOAP, or how to contribute...)
> All excellent points. If you check out the source, you can see that all
> doap files have been converted to JSON instead.
you mean that projects should not update DOAP files any more but these json 
files? I really missed the info (and this means we should perhaps move maven-
doap-plugin to the Attic...)

> As for CMS, I don't see any reason to use the CMS compared to just
> editing it in svn - it's 4-5 pages, each around 10 lines of html, not a
> 500+ page behemoth.
CMS has staging, no?
And perhaps the site is tiny because there is no easy editing: chicken and 
egg. IMHO, this new site has great graphics, but it really requires more than 
graphics. And the CMS could be part of the solution to do that.

> > - the idea of online editing is great, but not knowing what happens behind
> > the scene, I fear to add sub-projects: what sub-projects should be added?
> > can sub- projects be removed if the addition gives unexpected result?
> A delete feature would make sense, yes. As for what can be added, that's
> really up to the project, just as it was with the doap files. If you
> feel something in your project is a sub project in itself, you can add it.
IIUC, the online editing just updates 
Then editing these files is the way to track changes, or do what the online 
editing doesn't have any feature to do?

> > - what should we do with DOAP? Did I miss some explanations on private@ or
> > dev@ ML from a project I'm working on?
> DOAP will be replaced by the online editing. We haven't contacted
> projects about this yet, but on the other hand, I don't think we'd just
> change the DNS without letting folks know what we were doing. It's only
> been in testing so far. Once it was on the path to becoming something
> more official, surely projects would be included more.
what is great with DOAP is that there is a schema: is there something 
equivalent with json?

> But it also requires people other than me to chip in - I only have so
> many hands and feet :)
now that we know where the source code is, I hope people will involve.
How do we send patches? To you in person?



> With regards,
> Daniel.
> > Please take this feedback as constructive feedback: I really like the new
> > site, just need some little improvements to get out of beta and make a
> > public release :)
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Hervé
> > 
> > Le vendredi 6 mars 2015 11:52:35 Rich Bowen a écrit :
> >> I'd like for us to go ahead and replace projects.apache.org with
> >> projects-new.apache.org. It now has all the functionality that
> >> projects.a.o has, and much more, and there's no reason to have two sites
> >> up. If you object to moving forward with this, please say so.
> >> 
> >> [ ] +1, do it
> >> [ ] +0, whatevs
> >> [ ] -1, No (and say why, so we can address the problem)
> >> 
> >> --Rich

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