On 3/23/15, 2:39 AM, "Pierre Smits" <pierre.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>If one of its principles or boundaries is community over code and if the
>ASF wants that the diversity within the communities of it projects is
>reflected in the group of committers and in PMC, how can it then be that a
>PMC may have it different and can veto on- and off-boarding of persons of
>the other kind?

A healthy community can have vetoes for people actions and never mis-use
them.  Vetoes are supposed to have a justification for the veto attached
to it.  Vetoes based on discrimination should probably result in the
vetoer getting removed from the PMC if they refuse to rescind their veto.

It sounds like your community should not be allowing vetoes.  Start the
process of making that change and ask for board support if you need it
since there is precedent for this very thing.  That newcommitter page cost
at least one other project some serious time.


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