On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:29 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 October 2015 at 13:27, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Rich already made it clear what would be the best improvement and gave
>>> a specific example, but I'll put it in generic terms.
>>> Show the current count of the PMC members and committers.
>>> Show the last PMC addition and date.
>>> Show the last committer addition and date.
>>> That's also all I'm looking for as PMC Chair of MyFaces.   I don't
>>> need this report to tell me if the info came from LDAP or
>>> committee-info as they should always be the same.  If they are out of
>>> sync, then you can add section with the details for identifying and
>>> fixing that if you think that's important, but that's not the point of
>>> the reporter tool.   The point of the report also isn't to tell the
>>> board the exact day someone was added, it is to give the board an idea
>>> how often the community is growing.  Let's not worry about making the
>>> board report template so accurate and precise and in-depth that it
>>> stops being useful due to too much information.
>>> I ended up going through and rewriting the membership section for the
>>> MyFaces October report by hand, defeating the point of using the
>>> reporter tool to write the boilerplate section for me.
>> +1
> The proposed version should make this particular editing unnecessary.
>> I'd suggest that the reporter tool and Whimsy roster tool provide
>> pointers to each other, where the latter focuses on the differences.
> That is what I have tried to do in the proposed version - please have
> a look and see if it makes sense.

I'm not sure what I should be looking at at this point.


Going to:


And then scrolling to "Report template", I see:

PMC changes (from committee-info.txt)

I'd like to see the (from committee-info.txt) parenthetical removed.

I also see "Currently 1 committers."


Going to:


I see "## PMC changes: " which I prefer over the proposed version.

I also see "8 PMC members" mentioned twice.  As well as "No new PMC
members added in the last 3 months " mentioned twice. I also see
"Currently 1 committers".


Something I haven't seen mentioned yet, but please remove the "Report
from the Apache Whimsy committee [Ross Gardler]" line as many people
interpret that as being part of the template, and paste it immediately
after the line in the agenda containing the same information.

>> I'm working slowly on making the roster tool read/write so that it can
>> be used instead of the Perl scripts and editing committee-info.txt
>> directly.  The idea is that adding an existing committer to the PMC
>> should be a matter of a few mouse clicks.
>> Examples (currently read-only):
>> https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committee/
>> https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committee/myfaces
>> - Sam Ruby

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