On 21 October 2015 at 17:54, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:29 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 21 October 2015 at 13:27, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Rich already made it clear what would be the best improvement and gave
>>>> a specific example, but I'll put it in generic terms.
>>>> Show the current count of the PMC members and committers.
>>>> Show the last PMC addition and date.
>>>> Show the last committer addition and date.
>>>> That's also all I'm looking for as PMC Chair of MyFaces.   I don't
>>>> need this report to tell me if the info came from LDAP or
>>>> committee-info as they should always be the same.  If they are out of
>>>> sync, then you can add section with the details for identifying and
>>>> fixing that if you think that's important, but that's not the point of
>>>> the reporter tool.   The point of the report also isn't to tell the
>>>> board the exact day someone was added, it is to give the board an idea
>>>> how often the community is growing.  Let's not worry about making the
>>>> board report template so accurate and precise and in-depth that it
>>>> stops being useful due to too much information.
>>>> I ended up going through and rewriting the membership section for the
>>>> MyFaces October report by hand, defeating the point of using the
>>>> reporter tool to write the boilerplate section for me.
>>> +1
>> The proposed version should make this particular editing unnecessary.
>>> I'd suggest that the reporter tool and Whimsy roster tool provide
>>> pointers to each other, where the latter focuses on the differences.
>> That is what I have tried to do in the proposed version - please have
>> a look and see if it makes sense.
> I'm not sure what I should be looking at at this point.

Judging by your comments below, you are looking at the correct section
as far as the report template is concerned.

There are other sections with similar information earlier in the page,
but let's get the report template sorted first.

> ---
> Going to:
> https://reporter.apache.org/index_proposed.html
> And then scrolling to "Report template", I see:
> PMC changes (from committee-info.txt)
> I'd like to see the (from committee-info.txt) parenthetical removed.

OK, done.

> I also see "Currently 1 committers."
> ---
> Going to:
> https://reporter.apache.org/index.html
> I see "## PMC changes: " which I prefer over the proposed version.
> I also see "8 PMC members" mentioned twice.  As well as "No new PMC
> members added in the last 3 months " mentioned twice. I also see
> "Currently 1 committers".

I assume you were looking at the Whimsy PMC?

Does the proposed version seem clear to you, and does it fulfill the
needs of the board?

Would it be better to combine the "PMC changes" and "Committer base
changes" sections into one "Community" section as suggested

> ---
> Something I haven't seen mentioned yet, but please remove the "Report
> from the Apache Whimsy committee [Ross Gardler]" line as many people
> interpret that as being part of the template, and paste it immediately
> after the line in the agenda containing the same information.

OK, done.

>>> I'm working slowly on making the roster tool read/write so that it can
>>> be used instead of the Perl scripts and editing committee-info.txt
>>> directly.  The idea is that adding an existing committer to the PMC
>>> should be a matter of a few mouse clicks.
>>> Examples (currently read-only):
>>> https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committee/
>>> https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committee/myfaces
>>> - Sam Ruby

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