On 12/20/16, 6:47 PM, "Matthew Sacks" <matt...@matthewsacks.com> wrote:

>Alex, what does this have anything to do with diversity?

I (and maybe others) want to eliminate the argument that the response rate
was too low to be used to draw conclusions.  See [1].

Thinking about this more, we might also want to factor in any committer
who sent an email on an ASF mailing list.  Maybe JIRA as well?  That would
give us a rough number of folks on committers@ who are active.  Sure,
someone who wouldn't be considered active under this criteria could have
still filled out the survey, but it seems like as good a number as any.

Just a thought,

[1] https://www.surveygizmo.com/survey-blog/survey-response-rates/

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