On Tue, December 20, 2016 17:11, Rich Bowen wrote:
> On 12/19/2016 08:36 AM, Sharan F wrote:
>> Hello Everyone
>> A big thank you to everyone that has helped or participated in getting
>> the Committer Diversity Survey out, and also to all the committers that
>> responded to the survey. It has been really good to be able to collect
>> this information and see what it tells us about our committer base.
>> I've loaded the main data and graphs from the survey onto the Community
>> Development wiki (see link below)
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COMDEV/ASF+Committer+Diversity+Survey+-+2016
>> In total we received 765 responses (out of a 5861 committer base at the
>> time the survey was run) so around a 13% response rate.
> It would be useful to pursue Niclas' assertion that most of our
> registered committers are inactive. I'd think that if we define
> "inactive" in some measurable way, we could determine some actual
> numbers around that.

Since everything these days is going through LDAP it should be possible to
get e.g. last login timestamp. Maybe reach out to infra?

> Either way, though, given how anti-survey we have been in the past, 13%
> actually sounds like a pretty good response rate to me.
>> We also got 111 feedback comments of which 29 did not give their
>> permission to share or from quote their comments.
>> I've categorised all the comments into various themes / topics with the
>> main ones as follows:
>> 1. Suggestions for improvements within the ASF
> I look forward to seeing these. I hope that we have some things in there
> that are actionable, and that we can find volunteers to participate in.
> Most of the conversations that I've had with people that have led
> diversity efforts in other open source communities answer "what worked?"
> with "lots and lots of hard work, for a really long time."
> So, thanks so much for getting this process started again. It's long
> overdue, and we appreciate your hard work here.
>> 2. Suggestions for improvements to the survey (or any future ones)
>> 3. Thanks / positive feedback about the ASF and/or survey
>> 4. Feedback and ideas around diversity
>> Next steps will be:
>>  * Continue to analyse the information and identify any potential
>>    Community Development related actions
>>  * Start discussion threads on the various themes and topics raised to
>>    see if they will result in additional actions
>>  * Discuss feedback and diversity ideas and if necessary, integrate
>>    into diversity strategy
> --
> Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
> http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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