I, for one, thank Sharan for the itch she scratched, and compliment her on
the result.

Many talk politics (sharing their viewpoint) here in this thread, and
elsewhere in this community. If that is the itch that needs to be
scratched, then that is fine by me too...

But in the near future (when all has been digested) we must move on. The
first survey is a good start. But it should not be the end. How can we
improve community development when we don't measure regularly.  Coming to
the data collected has been (to me, sharing my viewpoint, divulging my
politics) a feel good exercise: discussions in public up front (to get
buy-in, to please the majority, the ones regarded as important, etc.)
followed by defending the why afterwards (and elsewhere).

So, to cut to the chase: who of the officers the ASF will sponsor the next?
Who will step up and say: 'I will have the executors back and you (the
executor) can concentrate on the tasks at hand without being distracted'?

Annually the ASF put in a lot of effort to provide the greater community
(3rd parties, sponsors, friends, however you want to call them) with an
Annual Report [1]. This kind of repeated activity belongs in the set of
means to provide insights in the Community (Development) section.'

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>
OFBiz based solutions & services

OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:

> On 12/19/2016 08:36 AM, Sharan F wrote:
> > Hello Everyone
> >
> > A big thank you to everyone that has helped or participated in getting
> > the Committer Diversity Survey out, and also to all the committers that
> > responded to the survey. It has been really good to be able to collect
> > this information and see what it tells us about our committer base.
> >
> > I've loaded the main data and graphs from the survey onto the Community
> > Development wiki (see link below)
> >
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COMDEV/ASF+
> Committer+Diversity+Survey+-+2016
> >
> >
> > In total we received 765 responses (out of a 5861 committer base at the
> > time the survey was run) so around a 13% response rate.
> It would be useful to pursue Niclas' assertion that most of our
> registered committers are inactive. I'd think that if we define
> "inactive" in some measurable way, we could determine some actual
> numbers around that.
> Either way, though, given how anti-survey we have been in the past, 13%
> actually sounds like a pretty good response rate to me.
> > We also got 111 feedback comments of which 29 did not give their
> > permission to share or from quote their comments.
> >
> > I've categorised all the comments into various themes / topics with the
> > main ones as follows:
> >
> > 1. Suggestions for improvements within the ASF
> I look forward to seeing these. I hope that we have some things in there
> that are actionable, and that we can find volunteers to participate in.
> Most of the conversations that I've had with people that have led
> diversity efforts in other open source communities answer "what worked?"
> with "lots and lots of hard work, for a really long time."
> So, thanks so much for getting this process started again. It's long
> overdue, and we appreciate your hard work here.
> > 2. Suggestions for improvements to the survey (or any future ones)
> > 3. Thanks / positive feedback about the ASF and/or survey
> > 4. Feedback and ideas around diversity
> >
> > Next steps will be:
> >
> >  * Continue to analyse the information and identify any potential
> >    Community Development related actions
> >  * Start discussion threads on the various themes and topics raised to
> >    see if they will result in additional actions
> >  * Discuss feedback and diversity ideas and if necessary, integrate
> >    into diversity strategy
> --
> Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
> http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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