Hi Isabel,

Replying to the public list + Stefan only.

An excuse to travel to Berlin? you bet ;-)

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Isabel Drost-Fromm <isa...@apache.org> wrote:
> ...essentially some sort of Apache Community
> Summit, or Apache Community Hackathon to overload the meetup acronym's
> meaning...

I like that - I think our community principles and best practices
deserve to be shared, even within the Foundation as it has grown a lot
and it's hard to spread that "tribal knowledge". So a meetup about
these topics sounds great.

I prefer Apache Community Summit as a name...don't have an equivalent
pun to achnee to submit for that one though. Oh no!

> ...If we want organised tracks, I'd need speakers....

I remember when Ross Gardler organized Transfer Summit a few years ago
he sent a few of us abstracts of what he'd like us to speak about at
the conference. I think that was a great way of selecting a core team
of speakers with a consistent message overall, and you can still leave
a few slots for a more traditional CfP if you do that.

> ...Should someone want professional videos and want to pay for that I can see 
> if I can get you in touch with the
> ppl who have done this in the past at Buzzwords,...

Do you have a rough idea of the budget for that? I think such videos
can have great value and they are inline with the ASF's mission, being
about our core values and principles.

I'm definitely interested in participating and would submit a talk if
there's a call for papers.


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