Alex Harui wrote on 11/30/17 12:38 PM:
> Just to throw a different opinion out there, I wouldn't mind reading and
> deleting as many as a dozen marketing-type emails per year if it got the
> ASF's name out in front of people that don't already know about us, or
> made the ASF appear like a friendly, collegial, foundation.

For perspective, the ASF has *never* regularly done this at the
Foundation level.  The Members and committers lists have always been for
our own discussions, not for forwarding marketing, even in the name of a
few potential extra eyes.  So the majority of committers I know would
disagree with you.

Note: the above doesn't apply to per-project lists: individual PMCs can
and do forward or allow messages like this in their projects when it
makes sense for their community (i.e. when their project is featured or
their contributors would be interested).

> We might require approval of the content to make sure it doesn't somehow
> enable tracking/data-mining, and require an ASF sessions(s) and speaker(s)
> so we can market the ASF at their event.

I would call this a strong requirement, yes.  We do not wholesale give
up our committer's privacy for outside marketing tracking, ever.

> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 11/30/17, 4:40 AM, "Kevin A. McGrail" <> wrote:
>> On 11/30/2017 7:38 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Kevin A. McGrail <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ...I wanted to point out that their proposal is to send their copy to
>>>> our
>>>> members@ list...
>>> Which we won't accept, cleary. I think Sharan is suggesting just
>>> emailing here and I added that that should be just one email like "FYI
>>> we are community sponsors of XYZ". Along with one tweet and mentioning
>>> it in the monthly comdev blog news.
>>> I that's not enough to be a community sponsor I'd say we just drop this.
>> +1.  It seems to me like they just want us for a conduit to our members
>> and I am worried what their copy will be and how much tracking/data
>> mining they will perform..

Separately, note that they said "Newsletter or social media promotion of
DeveloperWeek to your members" - that says to me, they mean "members" as
a general concept, not a specific list.  I doubt an event sales person
contacting press@ would get the distinction between ASF Members and
"people working on Apache software".


- Shane

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