please start by reading the human-oriented explanation:

this should ease the deep dive into data behind the recurring "Committees vs 
Projects" discussion



Le vendredi 27 mars 2020, 14:43:52 CET Rich Bowen a écrit :
> I'm trying to understand the twisty maze of data sources that fuel
> and either I'm confused, or there's some
> inconsistency in how this all fits together.
> I'll start with just one data source for now, so that I don't muddle
> multiple things together.
> ttees.xml
> This file has a list of rdf files which are supposed to be in the
> committees/ subdirectory. The file itself says:
>     This list should agree with the files in the directory committees/
> However, in addition to the entries that look like:
>    <location>committees/any23.rdf</location>
> there are also lines that look like:
>    <location></location>
> (4 of them, for whatever that's worth - flex, ofbiz, plc4x, and tez)
> Is that correct? Or is that not how the data is supposed to be stored?
> Meanwhile, committees.xml contains 209 projects:
> grep location committees.xml| grep -vc Retired
> 209
> while the committees/ directory contains just 206 rdf files:
> ls committees/*.rdf| wc -l
> 206
> (Note, one of those files is _template.rdf, so it's really 205, and 205
> + 4 = 209, so at least everything else matches up.)

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