Hey all,

I've taken a pass at editing this and it's almost ready to go. Sorry for
the delay, just got buried in my inbox.



On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 4:27 PM Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org> wrote:

> Thank you, Etienne.
> Let me see what we can do. I appreciate your patience.
> Best,
> Sally
> - - -
> Vice President Sponsor Relations
> The Apache Software Foundation
> Tel +1 617 921 8656 | s...@apache.org
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2022, at 10:54, Etienne Chauchot wrote:
> Hi Sally,
> Joe seems very busy lately, can you point me to someone who can review my
> article and post it on Success at Apache blog ?
> Thanks
> Best
> Etienne
> Le 17/03/2022 à 09:20, Etienne Chauchot a écrit :
> Hi Joe,
> Sorry to ping you but have you had time to review the article draft you
> wanted that I sent last week ?
> Best
> Etienne
> Le 14/03/2022 à 15:18, Etienne Chauchot a écrit :
> Hi Joe,
> Don't hesitate to ping me on the ASF slack channel if you need to discuss
> the content of this article.
> When the content looks good to you, we will publish on the Success at
> Apache blog and then I'll link to my personal blog.
> Best
> Etienne
> Le 10/03/2022 à 15:22, Etienne Chauchot a écrit :
> Hi Joe,
> Here is draft that I've promised. Can you please review it and tell me if
> I can post it in "Success at Apache" and in my personnal blog also (through
> a link to the ASF) .
> Best
> Etienne
> title: *My experience with the Apache Way: a perfect society ?*
> 🕥 7 min.
> Introducion
>     I have been working in software engineering for more than 15 years.
> I've always contributed to Open Source software as a user or a coder. But
> I've been contributing to ASF
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  projects such as Apache Flink
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
> , Apache Beam
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  or Apache Spark
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  for
> nearly 6 years. It is long enough for me to say that I find *the Apache
> Way* is almost the best way to collaborate on software engineering.
>     I will not describe the Apache way here as there are a lot of good
> content about that already. I will rather link to the official Apache
> documentation
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>.
> I humbly suggest that you read what it is if you don't know it already.
>     My point here is to describe the consequences of the Apache Way as I
> see them. Of course, every Apache community is different, but what I wanted
> to emphasize is that applying the Apache Way by the book could lead to what
> I'd call a "perfect society" even if this word seems a bit naive and over
> optimistic or even utopian.
> A perfect society
> *Actually, working with the Apache way was a revelation to me !*
> The Apache Way leads in many ways to Open Source Communities behave like a
> sort of perfect society:
>     The community is governed by merit: everything is about what you do
> inside the community and at some point your efforts are noted and you get
> credit for your work by obtaining more rights (direct access to the project
> repositories, election of committers
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  etc..). Merit also drives decisions, discussing solutions and voting for
> the best one leads to the best possible state of the project in the end.
> The best idea always wins in the long term.
>     The software is not driven by money: no private concerns should take
> over. When the incubation process is well advanced, before graduation, the
>  ASF bord
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  makes sure that the aspiring community is well developed (users and
> developers communities are big enough), healthy and also not owned by a
> single company and its private financial considerations. This ensures best
> decisions for the software itself but also a long term maintenance of the
> software.
>     It is inclusive: every voice matters, everyone is considered equal no
> matter your personal background, your education, ethnic or nationality,
> every contribution is good to take. Community members recognize that people
> skills may be different and complementary to theirs. So contributions might
> come from anyone, from anywhere and in any form (blog post, documentation,
> talk, code, website...)
>     Communities are welcoming: they always search for new talents to join
> their forces. Be welcoming is always very important to build and grow a
> community. The Open Source community is also a great place for people to
> grow. The way people collaborate is generally by mentoring. Experienced
> contributors help new comers or experts share their thoughts with others.
> It is really also a good way for mentors to share their passion and inspire
> mentorees. Mentoring is even in the DNA of the ASF starting with the
> incubator
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  when
> the podling community profits from the experience and advice of a mentor to
> grow in the Apache Way and become a top level project
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
> .
>     Communities are self-organised: there is no manager but only
> technical leaders and mentors. People are self-motivated and I must say
> that it is the best form of motivation ever! Decision making is both simple
> and efficient: there is no solely decision, feedback is always very
> important. People are willing to share their thoughts and solve the
> problems together.
>     Community members are always benevolent: they are always willing to
> share their thoughts, review PRs, share advice, accept change requests or
> bug tickets. People are wiling to accept criticism without being defensive.
> The master word is transparency.
>     Last but not least, people behave friendly: public communication (one
> of the ASF master words is "what did not happen publicly never happened")
> forces people to communicate in a positive way: for example by asking
> questions or suggesting rather than affirming or asking for thoughts rather
> than disagreeing bluntly. An Open Source contributor always tries to put
> himself in the other person's shoes, trying to not hurt his feelings and to
> not demotivate him.
> => Considering all of this, what I can tell is that it is the way we all
> would like people and society in
> general to behave, no ?
> Daily life
>     The funny thing is that it goes even further, after some years of
> applying this philosophy (I was told lately that it felt almost like a
> religion 😄) at work on a full time basis, you start applying it to daily
> life outside of work. It becomes your standard way of behaving in society:
> meritocracy becomes a second nature, for example you reward your home
> builders with gifts and public credit because they did a good job, you
> reward your kids for good school work etc... You also start to give time to
> others and share your knowledge, mentoring becomes a second nature.  Another
> big thing which is very visible is that you now always take good care to
> give positive communication, leading to positive and constructive thinking.
> Positivism also becomes a second nature.
>     On a professional basis, an important thing is that merit never
> expires. So, if you gain committership on a project, or become a PMC
> member
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  or even an ASF member
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>,
> it is for life ! So your skills are recognized by your pairs for your whole
> career. This is an incredible credit and a tremendous trust mark !
> Can be a bit challenging
> In order to avoid being seen as a total idealist 😉, I need to temper a
> bit:
>     I remember when I first joined an Open Source community, I felt
> intimidated. Community members are generally very senior level and very
> high skilled developers. But, remember what is written above: every
> contribution is good to take. And, with time and mentoring, everyone
> deserves his place inside the community.
>     The other thing I felt a bit difficult when I joined is to find where to
> start: some projects are old enough to have a large community so the amount
> of code is pretty high. But here again mentoring comes into play: mentors
> can give you pointers on hot topics, starter tickets or simply areas that
> need maintenance. And within time, you'll be recognized as an expert in a
> given area and the exciting subjects will come to you. And if you feel like
> you want to join a smaller community try joining a project which is still
> in the incubator
> <https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1438124655819523792/141840252120770949#>
>  phase
> !
> Conclusion
> I hope you enjoyed these insights and I hope it gave you the envy to join
> a Open Source community.
> Le 25/02/2022 à 09:38, Etienne Chauchot a écrit :
> Hi Joe,
> Thanks for your answer and your views !
> Yes, I'll send a draft webpage here before publishing. Then, after review,
> we could publish to the ASF blog in "Success at Apache" and I can
> definitely link to the ASF blog post in my personal blog so that there is
> only one publishing place.
> Regarding the Apache Way, I mentioned it only for new comers to be
> informed, but I totally agree, it would be redundant. So I propose that we
> just link an article about the Apache Way at the beginning of my article.
> Do you have a good link to send me ?
> I'll then describe my experience in the continuation of the article, that
> was indeed the whole point of the article !
> WDYT ?
> Thanks.
> Etienne.
> Le 18/02/2022 à 19:23, Joe Brockmeier a écrit :
> Hi Etienne,
> Sorry for the delayed response - missed this the first go-around.
> Can you shoot a draft *before* posting to your site? Ideally we'd post in
> one place. If not we can always promote it on Twitter and LinkedIn.
> From the initial email, though - I'd steer away from describing "The
> Apache Way" and focus on your experience instead. The Apache Way has been
> covered, at length, already. I'd focus on what your success looks like.
> Describing how The Apache Way has informed your success would be great.
> Thanks!
> jzb
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 4:52 AM Etienne Chauchot <echauc...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Bertrand!
> Thanks. I totally agree. I'll post on my personal blog post and send a
> link here.
> Best
> Etienne Chauchot
> Le 18/02/2022 à 10:48, Bertrand Delacretaz a écrit :
> > Hi Etienne,
> >
> > Le ven. 18 févr. 2022 à 10:43, Etienne Chauchot <echauc...@apache.org>
> a écrit :
> >> ...Any news about this proposal ? Can I start writing the blog post ?
> ...
> > I don't have decision power on what's published in "Success at Apache"
> > but I'd say go for it!
> >
> > An actual draft is IMO the best way to convince people, and if they're
> > not convinced there's lots of other places where you can post.
> >
> > -Bertrand
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Vice President Marketing & Publicity
> j...@apache.org

Joe Brockmeier
Vice President Marketing & Publicity

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