Created a starter with a few fun facts here:

Feel free to add or take away as you see fit.

- Josh

On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 8:40 AM Sam Ruby <> wrote:

> Message has been posted.  Next time it probably should be a pure plain
> text version.
> Anybody want to get started on May?  Create the wiki page, put some
> content there, and then send it out the first week in May after others
> have been given the opportunity to contribute.
> - Sam Ruby
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 10:01 AM Rich Bowen <> wrote:
> >
> > Problem: Members (and, more generally, committers) are less engaged with
> > the larger Foundation than at any point in our history. Meanwhile, the
> > mechanisms for getting more engaged (eg, the members mailing list) are a
> > firehose of unrelated content that is very frustrating to the casual
> > participant - even those who desire a deeper engagement - and, in
> > practice, are completely off-putting. Committers, meanwhile, have no
> > real avenue, outside of their project, for further engagement.
> >
> > I've been struggling with ways to address this for years, and they all
> > tend to founder on the rocks of "People should just be doing X!" which,
> > in each case, is true, but also dismissive and ultimately unhelpful.
> >
> > I would like to propose that we are more proactive about reaching out to
> > our community in tiny, consumable bites, that hint at a larger feast
> > that they're missing out on.
> >
> > Here's my proposal, but I cannot (and will not) tackle this alone,
> > because that guarantees failure, which guaranteed less participation the
> > next time we suggest something like this.
> >
> > Proposal/Brainstorming doc:
> >
> > It's an intentionally simple idea - a minimum viable idea, one might say.
> >
> > I want to know who's going to help make it a reality. Not particularly
> > interested in "that's a great idea", as much as "I will help make it
> > happen."
> >
> > This will involve engagement with Events, M&P, and Board, at a minimum,
> > but over time we'd hopefully engage everyone at the Foundation in
> > content creation. But, even then, I want to keep this tiny and
> > consumable - content that you can absorb in 2-5 minutes, always with a
> > "to get more engaged ..." call to action aspect to it.
> >
> > Come help me develop community.
> >
> > --Rich
> >
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