Weird, it has been deploying for me. I have seen that black screen lag for a 
long time when I have done remote debugger + a remote starting page, which is 
not what you are describing.

Any tips nukul? 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-11-19, at 6:58 PM, Filip Maj <> wrote:

> I'm using the latest commit from cordova-blackberry and run the example
> app with as little changes as possible.
> My shell commands are (make sure there's no "example" directory with an
> app already present in the root of the repo):
> ./bin/create
> cd example
> <edit with my BB10 SDK location, signing password,
> device ip and device password>
> ant qnx debug-device
> Shell Output:
> fil-MacBookAir:example fil$ ant qnx debug-device
> Buildfile: 
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/build.xml
> qnx:
> debug-device:
> generate-cod-name:
>     [echo] Generated name:
> clean:
> package-app:
>    [mkdir] Created dir:
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/build/widget
>     [copy] Copying 22 files to
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/build/widget
>     [copy] Copying 1 file to
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/www/js
>      [zip] Building zip:
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/build/cordovaE
> debug-device:
>     [exec] Info: Debug token created.
>     [exec] Info: Sending request: Install
>     [exec] Info: Action: Install
>     [exec] Info: File size: 2263
>     [exec] Info: Installing ...
>     [exec] Info: Processing 2263 bytes
>     [exec] actual_dname::debug.token.gYABgIVTqbRuktLyOHwoFTMiQyw
>     [exec] actual_id::gYABgIVTqbRuktLyOHwoFTMiQyw
>     [exec] actual_version::
>     [exec] result::success
>     [exec] [INFO]    Populating application source
>     [exec] [INFO]    Parsing config.xml
>     [exec] [WARN]    Build ID set in config.xml [version], but no signing
> password was provided [-g]. Bar will be unsigned
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id: org.apache.cordova
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id: blackberry.find
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
> blackberry.pim.Address
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
> blackberry.pim.Contact
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id: blackberry.utils
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
> blackberry.system.event
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
> blackberry.widgetcache
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
>     [exec] [WARN]    Failed to find feature with id:
>     [exec] [INFO]    Generating output files
>     [exec] [INFO]    Info: Package created:
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/build/simulato
> r/
>     [exec] [INFO]    Info: Package created:
> /Users/fil/src/incubator-cordova-blackberry-webworks/example/build/device/c
>     [exec] [INFO]    BAR packaging complete
>     [exec] Info: Sending request: Install and Launch
>     [exec] Info: Action: Install and Launch
>     [exec] Info: File size: 948106
>     [exec] Info: Installing cordovaExample.testDev_dovaExamplee1922ce_...
>     [exec] Info: Processing 948106 bytes
>     [exec] Info: Progress 28%...
>     [exec] Info: Progress 67%...
>     [exec] Info: Progress 100%...
>     [exec] actual_dname::cordovaExample.testDev_dovaExamplee1922ce_
>     [exec] actual_id::testDev_dovaExamplee1922ce_
>     [exec] actual_version::
>     [exec] result::success
>     [exec] Info: Launching cordovaExample.testDev_dovaExamplee1922ce_...
>     [exec] result::11276465
>     [exec] Info: done
> Total time: 25 seconds
> It loads an app called "cordovaExample" properly. It has no icon for some
> reason, and the only thing that I see when the app loads is a very dark
> screen with the BlackBerry logo.
> On 11/19/12 3:51 PM, "Nukul Bhasin" <> wrote:
>> Send us your app
>> From: Filip Maj
>> To:
>> Reply To:
>> *Re: RIM/BlackBerry folk: please help*
>> 2012-11-19 6:46:11 PM
>> Hey Gord,
>> This is awesome! Thank you. Indeed this is exactly what I wanted. Now for
>> the CI setup I no longer have to worry about debug tokens expiring.
>> Unfortunately no matter how I package my webworks app, when I launch the
>> app a black BlackBerry loading screen comes up on my dev alpha A device
>> and doesn't go any further :(
>> Any debugging approach you can recommend ?
>> On 11/18/12 7:19 AM, "Gord Tanner" wrote:
>>> I updated the ant scripts for blackberry to support debug tokens when
>>> debugging on a device:
>>> b
>>> works.git;a=commitdiff;h=9c1edccf60b48e1914f4b7093cf00d477908a05d
>>> If you fill in the value in it will now
>>> create and load a debug token on your device and load unsigned when using
>>> the debug-device command.
>>> I hope this is a little closer for your CI stuff.
>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Nukul Bhasin wrote:
>>>> I agree with Gord's evaluation of the problem,
>>>> The error you are getting is often because of buildId not getting
>>>> incrementing
>>>> Setting up debug tokens can really suck, but its the reality of where
>>>> we
>>>> are today. If you use QNX momentics (NDK tooling) it will hide all the
>>>> ugliness for you.
>>>> Command Line tools are lagging in bringing the same experience but
>>>> Signing
>>>> improvements are on the roadmap, no landing date yet though but its
>>>> being
>>>> re-thought completely.
>>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Filip Maj wrote:
>>>>> Whatever. I gave up and used debug tokens. IT was fucking difficult
>>>> to
>>>> get
>>>>> working but am now at a barely-workable level.
>>>>> On 11/14/12 3:18 PM, "Gord Tanner" wrote:
>>>>>> Signing worked for me with my super epic script:
>>>>>> var sys = require('sys')
>>>>>> var exec = require('child_process').exec;
>>>>>> exec("ant qnx load-device", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
>>>>>> sys.print('stdout: ' + stdout);
>>>>>> sys.print('stderr: ' + stderr);
>>>>>> if (error !== null) {
>>>>>> console.log('exec error: ' + error);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> });
>>>>>> I think your main issue is the version number and buildId hackery
>>>> for
>>>>>> signing.
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Filip Maj wrote:
>>>>>>> That's not what happens though.
>>>>>>> When I create a fresh project, the name and version are always the
>>>> same.
>>>>>>> When I run the signing via node, it fails.
>>>>>>> Then I'll CD into this exact same project folder and run the
>>>> signing
>>>>>>> manually. It works.
>>>>>>> I'll also create a new project manually with that same version and
>>>> app
>>>>>>> name. If I sign it via command line it works. If I do it via my
>>>> node
>>>>>>> script it fails.
>>>>>>> On 11/14/12 2:32 PM, "Tim Kim" wrote:
>>>>>>>> The reason why you keep getting signing failures even with a
>>>> fresh
>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>> is that you already did it once. ie, in your config.xml, the
>>>> widget
>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>> is set to "" and the name attribute is "cordovaExample".
>>>> So
>>>> the
>>>>>>>> first time should work, but every new fresh project there after
>>>> will
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> the same values.
>>>>>>>> I would recommend updating the version number every time you
>>>> deploy
>>>> and
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> worry about that debug-token business - I've never used it.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Timothy Kim
>>>> --
>>>> *Nukul Bhasin*
>>>> *Computer Engineer, B.Eng*
>>>> *10 Queens Quay W, suite#1710*
>>>> *Toronto, ON, Canada*
>>>> *Ph: 416 508 3157*

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