Ideally the require paths should stay true to the following rules (not that
we follow them exactly now but we are close):

1. should always start with cordova (in case we ever share a require
2. should follow as close as possible to the folder structure.

We don't really do this now (but we are close).  It is mainly to help with
navigation of the project from a require statement:

     var foo = require('cordova/plugin/foo/submodule')

Ideally I should be able to navigate to a file that lives in:


But realistically we are probably going to see:


Assuming we are dumping everything into a js folder here is the "mapping"
off the top of my head:

    var foo = require('cordova/plugin/foo')

    var foo = require('cordova/plugin/foo/ios')

    var foo = require('cordova/plugin/foo/blackberry/qnx')

What does a plugin (native and js code) folder structure look like?

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Andrew Grieve <> wrote:

> I'd like to take a first step towards moving plugin JS into separate repos
> by first moving them around within cordova-js.
> Here is my proposal:
> Current structure:
>         lib/common/plugin/*.js
>         lib/$PLATFORM/plugin/*.js
> New structure:
>         plugin/$PLUGIN_NAME/js/common/*.js
>         plugin/$PLUGIN_NAME/js/$PLATFORM/*.js
> The require path will need to change. Going from:
>         cordova.require('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError')
> To:
>         cordova.require('plugin/file/FileTransferError')
> I'll obviously need to update the builder scripts accordingly. The idea
> here is that we:
>         1. "cordova plugin add" will copy files into a project's plugins
> directory
>         2. "cordova build ios" will use the cordova-js packager and pass it
> the plugin/ directory to use
> This will not involve changing how we export modules onto namespaces in
> common.js / platform.js. That will come next though.
> The resulting structure will look like:
> plugin/accelerometer/js/common/Acceleration.js
> plugin/accelerometer/js/common/accelerometer.js
> plugin/battery/js/common/battery.js
> plugin/compass/js/common/Compass*.js
> plugin/contacts/js/common/Contact*.js
> plugin/device/js/common/device.js
> plugin/geolocation/js/common/Coordinates.js
> plugin/geolocation/js/common/Position*.js
> plugin/globalization/js/common/Globalization*.js
> plugin/inappbrowser/js/common/InAppBrowser.js
> plugin/logger/js/common/logger.js
> plugin/logger/js/common/console-via-logger.js
> plugin/media/js/common/Capture*.js
> plugin/media/js/common/ConfigurationData.js
> plugin/media/js/common/Media*.js
> plugin/network/js/common/Connection.js
> plugin/notification/js/common/notification.js
> plugin/camera/js/common/Camera*.js
> plugin/echo/js/common/echo.js
> plugin/file/js/common/Directory*.js
> plugin/file/js/common/Entry.js
> plugin/file/js/common/File*.js
> plugin/file/js/common/Flags.js
> plugin/file/js/common/LocalFileSystem.js
> plugin/file/js/common/Metadata.js
> plugin/file/js/common/ProgressEvent.js
> plugin/splashscreen/js/common/splashscreen.js

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