probably many of you developers are english speaking. But most of languages 
have diacritics. Below is CLI create syntax:
    create <PATH> [ID [NAME [CONFIG]]] ....... creates a Cordova project in 
the specified PATH, with
                                               ID reverse-domain-style 
package name - used in <widget id>
                                               NAME is a human readable 
                                               CONFIG is a json string whose
key/values will be included

Look at item NAME – human readable. CLI tell us, that this is human readable
field, I think diacritics is very very human readable, if people speaking in
language with diacritics are people... In fact, this option is name of 
project, but name of project cannot be diacritical, because of historical 
reasons and their impacts on present software...

Another thing, don't you think, that is the best practise to use same 
project directory name as project name?

So, my proposal is change it to (line 1 and 3):
    create <PATH> [ID [NAME [CONFIG]]] ....... creates a Cordova project of 
PATH name in the specified PATH, with
                                               ID reverse-domain-style 
package name - used in <widget id>
                                               NAME is an application name
                                               CONFIG is a json string whose
key/values will be included

1.) Typically, there cannot be two project of same name alike there cannot 
be two directories of same name. Also, there are good reasons to use in both
of names only latin letters, numbers, hyphen and underscore. So, why path 
name isn't also project name?
2.) With name attribute supporting more chars, it can be used as application
name (showed on device/emulator). So if developer develops czech application
with off course czech name and with diacritics too, he don't have to editing
any files in platforms projects. Also, if he develops english-named 
application, but with some rare char to make name attractive, he don't have 
to do this. And this should be name of project in config.xml in project 
root, so user (in future) can change this application name and CLI changes 
names of applciation name in each project instead of him.
3.) If NAME is omitted, project directory, name of platform projects and 
application names should be same.

This have only benefits, and for most of developers I think with no broken 

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