I was talking about the now called canvas+
I saw an interview to one of the programmers in february, and he refered to
it as "our home made web browser", but according to the doc it's a
javascript interpreter, so it's not really a webview (can't really display
html elements, just translates javascript to native) and then the
restrictions don't apply.
He talked about the webview+ too, but they have released it just for
android, so it might be due to that iOS restriction.

El viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014, Ian Clelland <iclell...@chromium.org>

> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 2:23 AM, julio cesar sanchez <
> jcesarmob...@gmail.com <javascript:;>
> > wrote:
> > About the WKWebView and UIWebView being the only renderers because the
> > apple rule, ludei's cocoonjs uses their own renderer based on chromium
> >
> Do you have a source for that claim? It would be incredibly cool (and maybe
> even possible, according to a strict reading of Apple's review guidelines),
> but I can't confirm it.
> The closest thing that I can find is their Webview+ project, for Android
> 4.0+ (http://support.ludei.com/hc/en-us/articles/201952993), and the
> release notes announcing it (
> http://support.ludei.com/hc/en-us/articles/201941147-CocoonJS-v2-0-0), but
> also only for Android.
> Ian

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