Technically we could browse the web, though. Just setting

    <access origin="*" />
    <content src=""; />

in your config.xml is enough to turn your app into a general-purpose
Cordova-enabled web browser.

That's what I mean by a "strict reading", though: A properly-sandboxed
Cordova application should be able to use whatever sort of code it wants,
to do its own internal UI rendering, as long as it doesn't ever
accidentally use that code to render external web pages.

I don't know if anyone is willing to put the necessary engineering
resources into actually developing another HTML rendering engine for iOS,
though, given that it could only ever be used for hybrid apps, and that
Apple would be free to reject apps based on it anyway, if their reading of
the terms differs from mine.

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 11:54 AM, julio cesar sanchez <> wrote:

> Anyway, reading the app store policies
>    - 2.17
>    Apps that browse the web must use the iOS WebKit framework and WebKit
>    Javascript
> Technically we don't browse the web, that should apply to InAppBrowser
> plugin only

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