Alright, as long as we're talking about a manual process to resolve this conflict temporarily, I see it as a valid suggestion. However, I would still prefer if a -rc.0 suffixed version was published and then depended upon, for clarity.

On 2018-09-13 11:49, Jan Piotrowski wrote:
Chris didn't really mention the actual problem he tried to solve with
this PR in his initial email, and half the discussion here was about
something totally different.

My understanding of what he did was that he tried to find a way to
test a new version of corova-create that requires new versions of
cordova-fetch and cordova-common, which have necessary updates in
master but that have not been released to npm yet. Setting the
dependencies to nightly releases theoretically makes this possible.

An alternative solution of course is to create releases for
cordova-fetch and cordova-common first, then update cordova-create to
use those.

Stumbling block here is that Cordova package releases seem to be a big
deal, historically, and quite some process to follow.
If we find a way to make cutting a release of a library a quick and
simple thing, this should be much less of an issue. Correct?


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