
Looking at this new design today, and I'm really not a fan. Here are
some points I want to highlight:

- The first thing I could say is that I don't know i'm on a site
speaking about a database before reading the text. And the font chosen
(or the background color ?) doesn't help to read it. We shoud enhance
the message we want to giv.

- The layout doesn't give me the idea to go further in website
exploration. I've a long overview without main points, Getting Started
is at the bottom, no use case in the frontpage, ...

- Main menu doesn't reflect what a user or a developer is looking.
compare to the cassandra website for example. What I want as a user is
to know how to get started, as a developer , how to contribute...
Screenshots are not a sale point for a database. The website of an
opensource projects should give in my opinion fast entries to each
point of interest. I would like to have :

- Download
- Getting Started
- Wiki/Documentation
- Deploy
- Contribute
- News

- We should have a blog on the website. The posts on couch.io are
nice, but for a neutral and community point of view, I would want to
seem some news features announcement done on the opensource couchdb
project too or on the mailing list.

- irc access: where is it ?

Subjective point: the current graphic design looks so old. I really
would like something more modern, insisting on typography and such.
Maybe we could use some tools like http://960.gs/ to build a good site
layout. etc. Maybe we could relaunch a second graphic contest with
votes from the community ? (I don't really like the blue version too,
for reason I exposed and were ignored).

Hope this post could help to improve the new design.

- benoit

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