On Aug 2, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Paul Davis wrote:

>> To clear things up.
>> There are 2 discussions happing in this thread:
>> 1) what is the ideal API and protocol for a more capable query server? 
>> (especially one that can react differentially to doc update failures, can 
>> farm work out to multiple cores, etc)
>> 2) how can we be backwards compatible with existing code and make it so you 
>> can respond to an HTML form POST by rendering "whoops, someone else edited 
>> that before you did, please retry", or "hey it looks like you failed the 
>> validation function for reason X"
> Thanks for giving me a place to respond to the other side of this thread.
> Reading through the part of this thread that deals with _list and
> _show and _update and seeing how it doesn't really map onto the view
> server semantics very well.
> When I think of CouchDB in abstract terms, i think of the core Erlang
> code as the core of CouchDB. The view server (the map/reduce part) is
> behind couchdb. Hidden from the world.
> The _list/_show/_update code sits in front of CouchDB and is more of a
> friendly layer to interfacing with CouchDB from client apps. What I've
> noticed is that most of the issues could be solved if the code
> implementing the front side were just implemented separately. Perhaps
> with access to an HTTP client that connects to CouchDB. Or something
> that is more async in nature as has been suggested.
> Either way, I wonder if the best answer isn't to separate out the
> responsibility of frontside and backside apps and write two sets of
> JavaScript to deal with both.

Right. This would be the 1) side of what I talked about up there, as it'd be 
useful for CouchDB 2.0.

For that, maybe a sandboxed Node.js implementation of the show and list, etc, 
would be the best solution.

But I think it'd be better to stick to a single runtime, so if we use emonk for 
views, we should also use it for show and list.


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