
The --set-password thing is to ensure there are no plaintext passwords
in the first place, which eliminates the oddness of couch rewriting a
plaintext pwd to a digested pwd (and putting the output in a different

This is only for admin passwords. User passwords are held in _users as
normal (though many are concerned that digested passwords are visible,
and rightly so).

And, as ever, holding your ego together is our primary concern but I
think it can survive an improvement to how admin passwords are managed
in couchdb. :)


On 17 August 2011 15:58, Jason Smith <j...@iriscouch.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:
>> <distilled from IRC chat>
>> A separate password file as described above, but can only be updated thus;
>> # couchdb --set-password admin
>> Password: foo
>> Password updated.
> What problem is this solving exactly? This thread started because you
> edit foo.ini and subsequent changes go to bar.ini.
> That foo.ini happens to hold plaintext passwords instead of, say, TCP
> nodelay only underscores the problem. But plaintext vs. hashed
> passwords is a totally different matter.
> But regarding passwords, would you humor me and please re-state the
> requirements?
> I think it is a solution looking for a problem. Are we talking about
> moving *all* passwords to this file (ignoring _user doc .salt and
> .password_sha)? Or are we keeping those in sync now? Or is this just
> admin passwords? But only admins can see (hashed) passwords over HTTP.
> On Unix filesystems, if you have permission to read
> /etc/couchdb/local.ini then you very likely have permission to read
> /var/lib/couchdb/everything.couch, so what is the point?
> Regarding --set-password and couchctl, unless I am missing some
> serious requirement (possible), it sounds like CouchDB is poised to
> get much more complex soon. I spend all my free time bragging about
> how simple it is so that would be quite a blow to my ego.
> Thanks.
> --
> Iris Couch

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