It's also the sort of thing one would expect in a Debian postinst via Dialog.


On 17 August 2011 17:04, Benoit Chesneau <> wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 17, 2011, Jason Smith <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Robert Newson <>
> wrote:
>>> Jason,
>>> The --set-password thing is to ensure there are no plaintext passwords
>>> in the first place, which eliminates the oddness of couch rewriting a
>>> plaintext pwd to a digested pwd (and putting the output in a different
>>> file).
>> Thanks for the clarification.
>> If you can read a plaintext password from an .ini file, then you can
>> hit the HTTP API as the admin and make changes to the couch. So that
>> is privilege escalation.
>> To answer Benoit's question, it is simpler to tell admins to use the
>> HTTP API (or Futon) to create the admin account. The password is
>> stored *somewhere* under the hood. IMHO it is less simple to add a
>> command-line tool as a requirement (or worse, as an alternative
>> option) to deploy Couch.
>> --
> it all depends if you admin via a console.
> couchctl set-password username is a way easier than curl -XPUT
> http://blah/_users -D... -H...  . at the end if you are a good admin you
> will write this script. providing useful helpere don't break the kiss way
> here.
> benoît

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