On 4 February 2014 11:45, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:

> Success criteria:
> - The mailing lists are occasionally used, and when questions are
> posted there, replies are received.
> - People who might not otherwise have been active start to become active.
> Failure criteria:
> - Mails posted to the list go unread/un-responded to.
> - Something important for the whole community was missed because it
> was happening away from the dev@ list.
> It's important to remember how mailing lists form at Apache. The dev@
> list is *the* list. Every other mailing list, including user@ is
> optional, and is spun out at the behest of the community.

This is a good list of criteria. I am +1 on creating the list and measure
it's success from these criteria. We just need to decide after which time
the measurement has to be done.



Andy Wenk
Hamburg - Germany


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