Hi Josh

> Yes, I would like to work on integrating your JAX-RS work with the 
JAX-WS patch I put together.

It sounds great :-) Lets chat about all the issues in this thread,
hopefully we will do it without too many difficulties. 

> I took a quick look at JAXRSClientFactory and JAXRSClientFactoryBean.

It looks like these don't share a common interface or superclass with 
ClientProxyFactoryBean or JaxWsProxyFactoryBean.

When working on the client api support I looked at the possibility of
reusing the common interface but I thought it was not possible due to
some abstractions on the existing interfaces being quite specific and
not very applicable to the interface which would represent restful
> This means that
won't be able to return a JAXRSClientFactoryBean.

What do you think about this idea. The factory which returns handlers
can check first if a given service intents include "HTTP" but no "SOAP"
and a frontend.jaxrs property is set, and if yes then it returns
JaxRSPojoConfigurationTypeHandler which will do what
PojoConfigurationTypeHandler but use JAXRS factories instead. The common
code, if any, can be refactored away into OSGIUtils. 

I agree it would be great if a common interface was there but may be we
will be able to get to it at some later stage and collapse handlers into
a single one...
Thanks, Sergey

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Holtzman [mailto:jholtz...@berkeley.edu] 
Sent: 06 June 2009 00:47
To: dev@cxf.apache.org
Subject: Re: Integrating JAX-RS runtime into DOSGi

Hi Sergey,
Yes, I would like to work on integrating your JAX-RS work with the 
JAX-WS patch I put together.  I'm still very inexperienced with CXF 
internals, so I may need a little hand holding.

I took a quick look at JAXRSClientFactory and JAXRSClientFactoryBean.  
It looks like these don't share a common interface or superclass with 
ClientProxyFactoryBean or JaxWsProxyFactoryBean.  This means that 
won't be able to return a JAXRSClientFactoryBean.

Should all of these client-side proxy factories implement a common 
interface?  I'll admit to being a little lost here, as I still can't 
figure out the difference between JaxWsClientFactoryBean and 
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean :(


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi
> I'm planning to integrate the JAX-RS runtime into DOSGi.
> Both JAXRS endpoints and client proxies can be created either from 
> Spring or programmatically and they can work with JAXB, Aegis,
> First CXF minimal bundle needs to be updated to include 
> cxf-frontend-jaxrs and depend on jaxrs-1.0 api. This should affect the

> overall bundle size too much.
> Next, as far as DOSGi RI is concerned :
> If HTTP intent is available and org.apache.cxf.dosgi.frontend.jaxrs is

> there then JAXRS gets involved, either on the server or the client
> I think that should be enough for a start.
> Next we can ensure that no JAX-RS annotations are required for JAXRS 
> runtime to operate in DOSGi case as we now support provisioning of the

> metadata out of band but it can be done later on..
> Josh, if you're interested then we can work on integrating JAX-RS into

> DOSGi together, given that you've provided a JAXWS patch..
> Cheers, Sergey

Josh Holtzman
Educational Technology Services, UC Berkeley

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