Last night, I committed a bunch of changes that added an event listener to the 
FactoryBeans and added a bunch of "events" out of the beans to the listener.   
There are a couple of purposes for this:

1) I'm hoping to simplify some of the stuff in RSFB.   I'm planning on 
allowing the databinding to be a listener so much of the JAXB stuff in there 
can be pulled  completely out into the jaxb databinding.   Likewise, some of 
the stuff that JAX-WS does could be simplified.

2)  Custom annotations on the SEI - this is the major one.   Previously, 
adding a new annotation (like the @Features stuff), required updating the RSFB 
which is a non-trivial thing to do.   I wanted something MUCH simpler.  

Toward #2, I've added two new annotations:  
@SchemaValidation - this has the same affect of setting the schema-validation-
enabled flag on the endpoint via config, just simpler.

@WSDLDocumentation - this is a START of being able to add some documentation 
nodes to the generated wsdl.  It's not really working well yet, but it at 
least is a starting point.  Most likely, I'll need to break this into a couple 
annotations since there are  a LOT of places in a wsdl that documentation can 
be added.   If people have thoughts on how this should look, please let me 
know.  (this requires a lot of updates to ServiceWSDLBuilder as well to copy 
docs from the service model into the generated wsdl.)

I plan on adding a couple more:
@Logging - various settings for controlling logging.   
@Policy/SecurityThings - couple security related annotations to wire security 
policy things in.

I'll probably also rewire the custom annotations we already have (@Features) 
into the new stuff as well mostly to simplify the code a bit.

What other things would people be interested in accomplishing via annotations?

I've wired events into the various WS related factories, but haven't touched 
the JAX-RS factories yet.   That could also be looked at.

Daniel Kulp

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