Hi Dan,
given that I still need to look at the code... here are 2 things that come to my mind...

Daniel Kulp wrote:
@WSDLDocumentation - this is a START of being able to add some documentation nodes to the generated wsdl. It's not really working well yet, but it at least is a starting point. Most likely, I'll need to break this into a couple annotations since there are a LOT of places in a wsdl that documentation can be added. If people have thoughts on how this should look, please let me know. (this requires a lot of updates to ServiceWSDLBuilder as well to copy docs from the service model into the generated wsdl.)
A starting point might be to use the annotated target to decide where to add the documentation element; I did something similar in JBossWS some time ago; it basically generates the documentation element in the generated wsdl on portType (annotation on the SEI class) or on operation (annotation on a method in the SEI).

What other things would people be interested in accomplishing via annotations?
What about annotations (2 would probably be enough) for providing (a link to) policy fragments? Another way of setting policies when doing code first development.


Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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