I finally got around to reading the survey.

I have a few observations about the obvious. We love jetty. Our users
do not. Our users love tomcat. We do not. One might feel motivated to
shift tests to tomcat, or add tests with tomcat ... except that we
don't get a lot of JIRum on plain tomcat.

The survey, on the other hand, reiterates the high pain level
associated with the big app servers that make it hard to get the
classpath right for CXF. I have no idea if we can do anything except
write more documentation.

More documentation would certainly be appreciated.

It looks like our close and personal relationship with Spring
continues to really inconvenience very few and serve the majority. I
wonder if we would want to invest energy in merely designing some
scheme to make Spring more removable to assist some volunteer in
working on it?

There are some WS-*'s that would make an impression.

Java-first issues sure attract the vocal if not the numerous.

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