
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:48 PM, robert <rob...@gliesian.com> wrote:
> CXF supports SOAP over JMS; http://www.w3.org/TR/soapjms/.
> Should the bindings and service extensions defined by this spec be better
> suited in a supported WSDL or WADL?
> I assume WADL as supported by CXF?

Yes but only JAX-RS endpoints will support WADL. The actual endpoint
may be JMS enabled but the generated WADLs will be of interest to
HTTP-aware consumers only. CXF JAX-RS endpoints can get the JMS
messages routed to them but JMS messages containing SOAP-over-JMS
properties are not supported. You might want to have a look at the
jaxrs-http-jms demo in the Talend SF examples [1], plain JMS
API is currently used on the client side, though in theory we can use
JAX-RS proxies alongside with WADL extensions...

cheers, Sergey

[1] http://www.talend.com/resources/documentation.php

> Thanks!

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