Actually, Glen, looks like I've misread your comments as I always do,
sorry :-). But of course I'd still encourage us all to discuss
RestEasy issues on the RestEasy list where I'm a subscriber too :-)

Cheers, Sergey

2011/2/25 Bill Burke <>:
> Wow, you're funny.  CXF has 255 unresolved bugs, does this mean they are
> rotting at the core as well?
> FYI, half your bugs weren't even bugs.  The others were minor example
> errors.  I apologize your bug reports weren't given my immediate full
> attention, no matter how minor (or nonexistent) they were.
> On 2/25/11 10:01 AM, Glen Mazza wrote:
>> Bill, I'm all for plugging but if you could spend some time on fixing
>> the five (rather simple) RESTEasy bugs I reported (RESTEAST-494, 495,
>> 496, 497, and 502) over a month ago, among the 109 you presently have
>> open and unresolved, that would also be good. As the Russian Czar
>> learned during WWI, it's not good to go too much on the offensive when
>> things are rotting out at home.
>> Glen
>> On 2/25/2011 8:47 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> That's great but what if your client isn't Java?  Download a SOAP stack
>>> and pray its compatible with CXF?
>>> Simple HTTP calls are far superior, more lightweight, and easier to
>>> code.  Seriously, check out what we've done with the HornetQ REST
>>> interface.  Specifically the Javascript and Python examples.  You'll see
>>> that zero library downloads and minimal code is all that is required to
>>> interface with a fully featured messaging API.
>>> I'm sorry to plug our stuff here, but, I have to spread the word
>>> whenever I see somebody interested in HTTP + messaging.
>>> On 2/24/11 8:23 PM, Willem Jiang wrote:
>>>> CXF JMS transport supports JMS URI which is part of JMS over SOAP spec
>>>> out of box. I think you can use it with JAXRS frontend without any
>>>> trouble.
>>>> 2011/2/24, robert<>:
>>>>> CXF supports SOAP over JMS;
>>>>> Should the bindings and service extensions defined by this spec be
>>>>> better suited in a supported WSDL or WADL?
>>>>> I assume WADL as supported by CXF?
>>>>> Thanks!
> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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