> I'm a bit confused :-). Here is what I meant:
> <!-- Custom JAX-RS endpoint -->
>  <jaxrs:server id="userServiceRs" address="/users-rs"
>        xmlns:s="http://users.com/rs";
>        serviceName="s:UserService">
>        <jaxrs:serviceBeans>
>             <ref bean="userService" />
>        </jaxrs:serviceBeans>
> </jaxrs:server>
> <!-- Custom JAX-WS endpoint -->
> <jaxws:endpoint id="userServiceWs" address="/users-ws"
>        implementor="#userService"
>        xmlns:s="http://users.com/ws";
>        serviceName="s:UserService"
>        endpointName="s:UserPort"
> />
> <!-- this is the JAX-RS resource you are working upon
> <jaxrs:server id="jaxrs-jmx" address="/jmx">
>        <jaxrs:serviceBeans>
>             <ref bean="jaxrsJmxServer" />
>        </jaxrs:serviceBeans>
> </jaxrs:server>
> <bean class="org.apache.cxf.management.web.JMXServer">
>    <property name="managedEndpoints">
>         <list>
>            <value>{http://users.com/rs}UserService</value>
>            <value>{http://users.com/ws}UserService</value>
>         </list>
>    </property>
>    <property name="manager" ref="instrumentationManager"/>
> </bean>

I think my idea of injecting the list of expanded qnames is not a good
one at all. Well, may we can do it at some stage later on for dealing
with endpoints located in the other process or bus, but at this stage
it would suffice if a reference to the bus were injected...JMXServer
can register itself as the endpoint  listener and be aware of all
existing and new endpoints

Cheers, Sergey

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