Hi Sergey:

I pasted your comments with font 10 along with mine with font 12, hope you 
don't mind :)

> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Travis Roy <dabaip...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sergey:
> > I have made some progress according to your last email, due to the size of
> > each file, I have to paste some of them below. As you can see, in my spring
> > application context, I deployed 2 testing Jax Rs services, UserServiceImpl
> > and CustomerServiceImpl, and then I attached my JmxService in each of those
> > 2 services, plus, I manually make these 2 services share the same root path.
> >
> > Besides listing all mbeans in
> >  http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/list,  I now can add these in
> > the URL:
> > http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/org.apache.cxf:type=Bus.Service.Endpoint,*
> > http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/org.apache.cxf:type=*,*
> > http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/*:bus.id=*,*
> Very good
> > I think I need to get on IRC with you some time, and of course, at anytime
> > when you are free.
> Most of the time I'm on #cxf (not today, we have a bank holiday) -
> please join whenever you get some time.
> Ping me privately please about your preferred times.
> > Sadly sometimes, after coding for some while, I lost the ideas of what I am
> > doing and what I need to do. Such as, if I use Jconsole to monitor local
> > java instance with mbeans exposed, for example, my local jetty, it can also
> > show up a lot of interesting stuff, like memory usage and cpu usage in real
> > time. But right now, except showing up the definitions of each mbean, I
> > can't see anything more, and I am not also sure about whether I have shown
> > the right mbeans and the right url path you wanted.
> Thanks for sharing those thoughts. The number of CXF MBeans is limited
> indeed, but the goal of this project
> is to make sure JMX MBeans are exposed properly over HTTP, so that
> that can be accessed easily and presented in a number of formats. If
> we do it right then in principle we can use the JAX-RS resource you
> are working upon for exposing even non CXF MBeans, may be Karaf
> Mbeans, etc, we'll see. Another goal of the project is to try to
> enhance the existing LogBrowser WebUI, make it a bit richer.
Gwt, I would love to do it.

> Here are some more technical comments, it might not be easy to trace
> them if get them inlined in the copied beans.xml and files...
> - What you may want to do is to update InstrumentationManagerImpl to
> be able to access the underlying MBeanServerConnection and have
> InstrumentationManagerImpl inject into your JAX-RS resource, thus
> letting the manager deal with JMS-specific configuration and
> connection management - please do it a bit later on - not critical
> right now

Because InstrumentationManagerImpl has an MBServerConnectorFactory which is 
focusing on create/stop/... an mbean server, adding MBeanServerConnection would 
make this class also have a client manager function, it's great! I will 
strictly follow your designs, as I can see it's one of the core in cxf-rs.

> - Note that users may use JAX-RS only, JAX-WS only, or JAX-RS and
> JAX-WS endpoints. Assume JAX-RS endpoints have only single root
> resources for now. The JAX-RS resource you are working upon should
> work either way. You can't have it added to JAX-WS endpoint, so it
> should be independent. Also I think it should be able to return the
> list of endpoints it 'manages', possibly in the form of expanded
> QNames and list all MBeans which 'belong' to a specific endpoint only.

Yes, I should only focus on Jax-RS. 
And further Restful returnings, I have things like this, forgot to include this 
at last email.:
Return (Forgive me about the poor xml format)



> Not sure right now how this JAX-RS server can know about individual
> endpoints - may be it should have a Bus injected, and the list of
> expanded QNames, ex, {http://users}UserService, or
> {http://customers}CustomerService. The server will return to the
> clients this list: it will let them know it manages
> {http://users}UserService and {http://customers}CustomerService. This
> will work for JAX-RS endpoints with multiple root resources too. Next
> clients will ask for a list of MBeans 'belonging' to say
> {http://users}UserService. The server will return all MBeans which has
> something to do with it, including a Bus MBean (which can be relevant
> to other endpoints too) and Mbeans specific to/scoped by
> {http://users}UserService.
Actually, I guess there are 2 places to differentiate each of Jax-rs services, 
which could satisfy the fact that individual endpoint can manage its own mbeans,
First is do something in xml, but I have looked around it, and I find it is 
literally the core in cxf-rs,  thus very difficult to 'hack in' this 
    <jaxrs:server id="userServiceRs" address="/jaxrs">
            <ref bean="userService" />
            <ref bean="jmxService" />
            <entry key="feed" value="application/atom+xml"/>
            <entry key="json" value="application/json"/>
            <entry key="xml" value="application/xml"/>
            <entry key="html" value="text/html"/>

Pros are fine integration with spring and neat, Cons are about the difficulties 
in implementation.

Second is modify the service bean itself to make it looks like:
<bean id="userService" class="com.plumchoice.ws.service.impl.UserServiceImpl">
        <property name="bus" ref="cxf" />      
        <property name="JMXServiceURL" 
value="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9914/jmxrmi" />
This is referenced in cxf-rt-management/src/test/resources/managed-spring.xml, 
and my idea is let each jax-rs service bean to construct its 
InstrumentationManagerImpl internally:
   <bean id="org.apache.cxf.management.InstrumentationManager" 
        <property name="bus" ref="cxf" />
        <property name="enabled" value="true"/>
        <property name="threaded" value="false"/>       
        <property name="daemon" value="false"/>           
        <property name="JMXServiceURL" 
value="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9914/jmxrmi" />
Pros: basic spring context, ease the configuration/implementation compared to 
1, Cons: a little amateur compared to 1?

> Does it make sense ? What do you think ?
Due to the large size of cxf, I will follow the steps from you. My thoughts 
could be deviated, so please correct me at any time.

Your mentoring has delighted me since the beginning and it's awesome that I 
have received that confirmation email from google today that I am enrolled.
Thank you very much.

Shenglin Qiu

> Does it make sense ? What do you think ?
Due to the large size of cxf, I will follow the steps from you. My thoughts 
could be deviated, so please correct me at any time.

Your mentoring has delighted me since the beginning and it's awesome that I 
have received that confirmation email from google today that I am enrolled.
Thank you very much.

> Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:21:14 +0100
> Subject: Re: Revised Proposal: GSoC - (CXF-3388) Expose CXF JMX MBeans as the 
> JAX-RS resources‏
> From: sberyoz...@gmail.com
> To: dabaip...@hotmail.com
> CC: dev@cxf.apache.org
> Hi Shenglin
> You are progressing very well, please see comments inline
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Travis Roy <dabaip...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sergey:
> > I have made some progress according to your last email, due to the size of
> > each file, I have to paste some of them below. As you can see, in my spring
> > application context, I deployed 2 testing Jax Rs services, UserServiceImpl
> > and CustomerServiceImpl, and then I attached my JmxService in each of those
> > 2 services, plus, I manually make these 2 services share the same root path.
> >
> > Besides listing all mbeans in
> >  http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/list,  I now can add these in
> > the URL:
> > http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/org.apache.cxf:type=Bus.Service.Endpoint,*
> > http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/org.apache.cxf:type=*,*
> > http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/*:bus.id=*,*
> Very good
> > I think I need to get on IRC with you some time, and of course, at anytime
> > when you are free.
> Most of the time I'm on #cxf (not today, we have a bank holiday) -
> please join whenever you get some time.
> Ping me privately please about your preferred times.
> > Sadly sometimes, after coding for some while, I lost the ideas of what I am
> > doing and what I need to do. Such as, if I use Jconsole to monitor local
> > java instance with mbeans exposed, for example, my local jetty, it can also
> > show up a lot of interesting stuff, like memory usage and cpu usage in real
> > time. But right now, except showing up the definitions of each mbean, I
> > can't see anything more, and I am not also sure about whether I have shown
> > the right mbeans and the right url path you wanted.
> Thanks for sharing those thoughts. The number of CXF MBeans is limited
> indeed, but the goal of this project
> is to make sure JMX MBeans are exposed properly over HTTP, so that
> that can be accessed easily and presented in a  number of formats. If
> we do it right then in principle we can use the JAX-RS resource you
> are working upon for exposing even non CXF MBeans, may be Karaf
> Mbeans, etc, we'll see. Another goal of the project is to try to
> enhance the existing LogBrowser WebUI, make it a bit richer.
> Here are some more technical comments, it might not be easy to trace
> them if get them inlined in the copied beans.xml and files...
> - What you may want to do is to update InstrumentationManagerImpl to
> be able to access the underlying MBeanServerConnection and have
> InstrumentationManagerImpl inject into your JAX-RS resource, thus
> letting the manager deal with JMS-specific configuration and
> connection management  - please do it a bit later on - not critical
> right now
> - Note that users may use JAX-RS only, JAX-WS only, or JAX-RS and
> JAX-WS endpoints. Assume JAX-RS endpoints have only single root
> resources for now. The JAX-RS resource you are working upon should
> work either way. You can't have it added to JAX-WS endpoint, so it
> should be independent. Also I think it should be able to return the
> list of endpoints it 'manages', possibly in the form of expanded
> QNames and list all MBeans which 'belong' to a specific endpoint only.
> Not sure right now how this JAX-RS server can know about individual
> endpoints - may be it should have a Bus injected, and the list of
> expanded QNames, ex, {http://users}UserService, or
> {http://customers}CustomerService. The server will return to the
> clients this list: it will let them know it manages
> {http://users}UserService and  {http://customers}CustomerService. This
> will work for JAX-RS endpoints with multiple root resources too. Next
> clients will ask for a list of MBeans 'belonging' to say
> {http://users}UserService. The server will return all MBeans which has
> something to do with it, including a Bus MBean (which can be relevant
> to other endpoints too) and Mbeans specific to/scoped by
> {http://users}UserService.
> Does it make sense ? What do you think ?
> Cheers, Sergey
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> > Regards:
> > Shenglin Qiu
> >

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