Hi, thanks for submitting the proposal, I left one comment there, just to
clarify that JConsole will only help you initially, but HTTP-enabled
consumers (browsers or JAX-RS clients) is what will be used to test the

Understanding JAX-RS concepts and analyzing the blog posts linked to from
CXF-3388 can also be listed as one of the prerequisites

Cheers, Sergey

2011/4/7 Shenglin Qiu <dabaip...@hotmail.com>

> Hi Sergey:
> I have submitted the proposal in GSoC site - Apache Software Foundation,
> title: CXF-3388 Expose CXF JMX MBeans as the JAX-RS resources.
> Please feel free to setup anytime for further mentoring. (607-727-3067)I
> have checked out the source code, compiled and imported in eclispe, local
> setup is done.
> Thank you.
> Shenglin Qiu Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 10:10:16 +0100
> Subject: Re: Revised Proposal: GSoC - (CXF-3388) Expose CXF JMX MBeans as
> the JAX-RS resources‏
> From: sberyoz...@gmail.com
> To: dabaip...@hotmail.com
> Hi - that looks good, register it today please and then reply to the dev
> list confirming it
> I'd only add
> "* Check out svn http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/trunk/rt/management/and 
> local dev environment setup
>       1. Setup a simple inbound cxf server, add InstrumentationManager into
> CXF bus config.
>       2. Use JConsole to monitor."
> into the second phase (ranking)
> Cheers, Sergey
> 2011/4/7 Shenglin Qiu <dabaip...@hotmail.com>
> Proposal Title: Expose CXF JMX MBeans as the JAX-RS resources
> Student Name: Shenglin
> Apache registered account alias: Travis
> Student E-mail: dabaip...@hotmail.com
> IM: qslnewy...@yahoo.com
> Phone: 607-727-3067
> Project/Mission Description
> Original Description CXF-3388:
> The JAX-RS application exposing CXF JMX MBeans over HTTP needs to be added
> to the rt/management-web component.
> *Why This Project*
> I have been using Java, including core Java, Spring, Hibernate, Apache open
> sources, JSF, Struts2, Vaadin, GWT in projects both professionally and
> academically around 3-4 years, I have been using plain Javascript and Jquery
> professionally around 2 years. I am very comfortable with the projects based
> on Java and Javascript.
> Meanwhile, as a Java developer, I constantly involved in both front end and
> back end development, from my past experiences on https://boost.att.com,
> https://ct.att.com, http://www.key2world.com, http://www.bebeme.com, 2
> major academic research projects(search engines' performance analysis) by
> core java, I have gained all kinds of development/research knowledge. In all
> my development memory, Apache open source is always the first dependency I
> need to add, it provides great tools, such as String checking, credit card
> info checking are the 2 used most frequently. CXF is the only one I would
> pick for light/middle weight web service development, I have studied CXF and
> Axis2, and I feel CXF offers way better development approach, in terms of
> modern JEE style, including the configuration xml style and integration with
> Spring.
> Apache Foundation is the first group I picked in GSoC, and when I see CXF,
> I feel so exited and it must be the one I have to try to join. Meanwhile,
> after reading GSoC application principles, I realize and understand the fact
> that this is not just for students who want to kill some time in summer,
> it's a serious project with clear approaches and goals, everyone must take
> their best efforts to get involved with. Therefore, I must wisely choose a
> GSoC project in Apache with my current knowledge pool and comfortable
> programming language, in terms of maximizing the chance to get enrolled.
> CXF-3388 fits perfectly with my target.
> Proposal Timeline and Project Plan (Revised)
> April 1 - Apr 8 (GSoC Application Deadline)
>    * Contact with Sergey and all project involved staff.
>    * Study CXF and JMX MBean server interaction.
>    * Check out svn
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/trunk/rt/management/ and local dev
> environment setup
>       1. Setup a simple inbound cxf server, add InstrumentationManager into
> CXF bus config.
>       2. Use JConsole to monitor.
>    * Revise proposal and submit proposal to GSoC.
> April 8 - April 24 (Student Ranking/Scoring Deadline)
>    * Code study http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/trunk/rt/management/,
> and http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/trunk/rt.
>    * Discuss the project approach, including: data models, backend layers,
> complexity, 3388's configurations, integrations and settings with existing
> CXF RT, prototype building, testing methods and desired outputs.
>    * Discuss the final data models, inputs/outputs which will be used for
> UI presentation.
>    * Start to build snapshot version.
> April 24 – May 24 (Official Coding Start)
>    * Build prototype from discussion, integrate into prototype inbound
> server and gain real experiences on this MBeans - CXF add-on  -- Heavy
> coding.
> Official coding period starts:
> May 24 - July 11 (Mid-Term Evaluation Start)
>    * Always keep in touch with mentor.
>    * Coding CXF JMX MBeans exposure based on prototype.  --  Heavy coding.
>    * Integrate the coding to prototype server, use JConsole to check every
> step as debugging and testing.
>    * Discuss, design all necessary web approaches which could be used in
> this project, e.g. server technology: plain servlet, Spring MVC, JSF,
> GWT.... / web container, jetty, tomcat....
>    * Start to build up front end, I assume some universal CSS, images and
> layout will be provided for a mature look & feel.
>    * Start to integrate backend to front end.    -- Heavy coding
> Jul 11 - July 15 (Mid-Term Evaluation Deadline)
>    *  Code review and revise.    -- Hakerthon.
>    *  Work evaluation.
> July 16 - August 16 (GSoC Suggested 'Pencil' Down Time)
>    * Finish front-end back-end integration  -- Heavy coding.
>    * Code review and revise   -- Hakerthon.
>    * QA
>    * Documentation.
> August 16 - August 30 (GSoC 2011 Final Results Announcement)
>   * Code revise   -- Heavy coding.
>   * Final round QA.
>   * Documentation revise.
>   * Code submission.
> Personal Introduction
> I have been using Java for academic research and work for about 3 years. I
> am currently a computer engineering  student, and have F1 visa in US. (Visa
> status: F1, expiration data: Aug 31, 2011, will have the chance to extend it
> to December 2011 if it's necessary).
> I have good experiences in using cxf for ws outbound call and good
> practices in inbound server. I think it's amazing if I could have this
> opportunity to make a further step.
> Please feel free to contact me for further questions.
> Note
> Thank you for Sergey's very helpful advising and mentoring.
> If everything looks ok, I will send this by the end of tomorrow,
> April-7-2011.
> Regards:
> Shenglin Qiu
> 06/Apr/2011
> --
> Sergey Beryozkin
> Application Integration Division of Talend
> http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

Sergey Beryozkin

Application Integration Division of Talend <http://www.talend.com>

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