Hi Shenglin

You are progressing very well, please see comments inline

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Travis Roy <dabaip...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sergey:
> I have made some progress according to your last email, due to the size of
> each file, I have to paste some of them below. As you can see, in my spring
> application context, I deployed 2 testing Jax Rs services, UserServiceImpl
> and CustomerServiceImpl, and then I attached my JmxService in each of those
> 2 services, plus, I manually make these 2 services share the same root path.
> Besides listing all mbeans in
>  http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/list,  I now can add these in
> the URL:
> http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/org.apache.cxf:type=Bus.Service.Endpoint,*
> http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/org.apache.cxf:type=*,*
> http://localhost:8080/cxfservice/jaxrs/jmx/component/*:bus.id=*,*

Very good

> I think I need to get on IRC with you some time, and of course, at anytime
> when you are free.

Most of the time I'm on #cxf (not today, we have a bank holiday) -
please join whenever you get some time.
Ping me privately please about your preferred times.

> Sadly sometimes, after coding for some while, I lost the ideas of what I am
> doing and what I need to do. Such as, if I use Jconsole to monitor local
> java instance with mbeans exposed, for example, my local jetty, it can also
> show up a lot of interesting stuff, like memory usage and cpu usage in real
> time. But right now, except showing up the definitions of each mbean, I
> can't see anything more, and I am not also sure about whether I have shown
> the right mbeans and the right url path you wanted.

Thanks for sharing those thoughts. The number of CXF MBeans is limited
indeed, but the goal of this project
is to make sure JMX MBeans are exposed properly over HTTP, so that
that can be accessed easily and presented in a  number of formats. If
we do it right then in principle we can use the JAX-RS resource you
are working upon for exposing even non CXF MBeans, may be Karaf
Mbeans, etc, we'll see. Another goal of the project is to try to
enhance the existing LogBrowser WebUI, make it a bit richer.

Here are some more technical comments, it might not be easy to trace
them if get them inlined in the copied beans.xml and files...

- What you may want to do is to update InstrumentationManagerImpl to
be able to access the underlying MBeanServerConnection and have
InstrumentationManagerImpl inject into your JAX-RS resource, thus
letting the manager deal with JMS-specific configuration and
connection management  - please do it a bit later on - not critical
right now

- Note that users may use JAX-RS only, JAX-WS only, or JAX-RS and
JAX-WS endpoints. Assume JAX-RS endpoints have only single root
resources for now. The JAX-RS resource you are working upon should
work either way. You can't have it added to JAX-WS endpoint, so it
should be independent. Also I think it should be able to return the
list of endpoints it 'manages', possibly in the form of expanded
QNames and list all MBeans which 'belong' to a specific endpoint only.

Not sure right now how this JAX-RS server can know about individual
endpoints - may be it should have a Bus injected, and the list of
expanded QNames, ex, {http://users}UserService, or
{http://customers}CustomerService. The server will return to the
clients this list: it will let them know it manages
{http://users}UserService and  {http://customers}CustomerService. This
will work for JAX-RS endpoints with multiple root resources too. Next
clients will ask for a list of MBeans 'belonging' to say
{http://users}UserService. The server will return all MBeans which has
something to do with it, including a Bus MBean (which can be relevant
to other endpoints too) and Mbeans specific to/scoped by

Does it make sense ? What do you think ?

Cheers, Sergey

> Thank you very much.
> Regards:
> Shenglin Qiu

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