Finally! ;-)  Yes.. I think its a good idea.


On Jun 10, 2011, at 6:57 AM, Daniel Kulp wrote:

> I want to start a discussion about removing the JBI related modules on trunk. 
> There is the JBI binding, JBI transport, and the JBI integration module that, 
> IMO, could be removed.
> Basically, if you are using CXF in JBI, you are most likely using the CXF 
> BC/SE components from ServiceMix, not the stuff we provide directly.   
> Really, 
> I think the only consumers of this stuff are the BC/SE.   Thus, I'd propose 
> this code gets removed from CXF and whatever is needed by the BC/SE just gets 
> pushed into those components in SMX.    Keep all the JBI related stuff there. 
> Thoughts?  Opinions?
> -- 
> Daniel Kulp
> Talend -

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