On 22/01/14 17:18, Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Jan 22, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Christian Schneider <ch...@die-schneider.net> 

There is one thing that might be different.

I recently "committed/pushed" a change from a non committer to karaf. I 
proposed to the developer to fork the karaf repo on github and commit and push there. I 
then thought to use a github pull request but this probably would not have worked as the 
karaf repo at github is readonly. So I pulled his changes into my own checkout and pushed 
them to karaf at apache. So the commits still had his name in them. JB then told me that 
this is probably not allowed.

Personally, I prefer that as we then know exactly where that change came from.

So the question is: how would the process look like for pull requests? Is it ok 
that the original non committer name is in the commit or do we have to avoid 

Git does record the Author separate from the committer.  In theory, in this 
case, the two could be different.  I’m just not sure how to make that happen.   
 A 'git log --pretty=fuller’  should produce both names.    I’m not sure how 
you pulled the changes from github to cause both the committer and author to be 
the same.  Ideally, it would retain the author and put you in as committer, but 
it doesn’t look like it did that for you.   We’d have to experiment a bit.

That said, if you do the pull with “—squash” to squash it down into a single 
commit, that would also have your name I think.

Definitely getting into more advanced git stuff though.   I’m not advanced 
enough with it to really know.  :-(

Does using 'git diff' and attaching the patches to JIRA works at all ?




Am 22.01.2014 15:40, schrieb Daniel Kulp:
Anyone who is a committer will be able to “push” changes into the canonical 
repo here at Apache. Honestly, for committers, you can use git just like you 
you git-svn or just svn today. Just instead of “git svn dcommit” or “svn 
commit” it would be a “git push”. If you don’t want your workflow to change, 
you don’t really need it to change. The commands are just a little different 
and many of the operations perform much faster.

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect
Talend Application Integration Division http://www.talend.com

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