Hi Andrew,

> Also, I am not sure that I didn't miss something here - but that is one 
> of the differences of the ComboBox vs ListBox, isn't it, the ComboBox 
> will do the style of type down search that you are describing here. The 
> List box, No.

For list boxes it's not unusual to have this kind of "quick selection",
too. The difference between a list and a combo box is only whether you
have the free text field. If that's not needed/allowed, a list box is
perfectly okay.

Nonetheless, if it has 100 entries, and you know there's an entry "some
text", then you'd expect to quickly select it (or at least reach the
area where it's localted) by typing "some". As said, not unusual in
other toolkits :-\.

In OOo, it currently will select the first entry starting with "s", then
the first entry starting with "o", then the first entry starting with
"m" ...
Quite inconvinient, as I just yesterday noticed myself :) when I had to
fill in list boxes with about 20 entries. I knew the name of the people
therein, and I would have been quite fast in typing them - but no, I
needed to open the drop down list, scroll to the entry, and select it. Argh.

  implementing a rather small project tracking system in Base currently.
  Every bite in the desk (and there are a lot!) will result in an issue
  filed, and hopefully be fixed soon :)

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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