Hello Andrew, Frank, *
Andrew Jensen wrote:
> Hi Frank,  Mechtilde
>>> One problem:
>>> I use a form as a Data Sheet. It contains datas of a table. One row is a
>>> listbox containing datas of another table (formatted as "1234".
>>> By the first use I can input the first number then the first value
>>> appear.
>>> If I input the next tupels I must input a "1" many times untill the
>>> right value appear. All values in this box are beginning with "1".
>> Hmm, this in fact behaves strange. I would have expected list boxes to
>> have some kind of quick search capabilities (e.g. typing "1" "3" would
>> move to the entry starting with "13", but instead it moves to the one
>> starting with "1", then to the one starting with "3"), but it seems they
>> haven't. Seems to be a deficit of the underlying control (the same used
>> in the normal OOo dialogs).
>> Might be worth an RFE.
>>> Also I want to sort the values in this box.
>> which currently doesn't work automatically :(
> Well, you can always sort the data if you supply it via a query and not
> a table.
I set "Order By"
> Also, I am not sure that I didn't miss something here - but that is one
> of the differences of the ComboBox vs ListBox, isn't it, the ComboBox
> will do the style of type down search that you are describing here. The
> List box, No.
I use 2 listboxes one with text and one with numbers.
In the listbox with only text, I can input more than one letter to
define an entry.
In the listbox with numbers it's as I described above.


Dipl. Ing. Mechtilde Stehmann
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