Hi Peter,

> After
> oContext = CreateUNOService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
> oDataSource = oContext.getByname(MyURL)
> oDataSource.Settings.addProperty("inactivity-timeout",0,"600")
> I can find this new Property in the Settings, but not in the "Info" member.
> But it seems not to be persistent, shouldn't I find an entry in the 
> content.xml?
> (I tried with closed and opened document)

There's some code for the info sequence, which only includes properties
from the settings which are not default (this is a feature, else Info
would be crowded). After addition of a property, it is automatically
assumed to be default, even if it does not have the MAYBEDEFAULT
property attribute set. I submitted issue 78593 to change this (i.e.
respect the not-set MAYBEDEFAULT). For the moment, you can do a
setPropertyValue after the addProperty, then it appears also in the Info
sequence. After saving the document, it also appears in the extracted

> aInfo() = oDataSource.Info
> i = UBound(aInfo())+1
> Dim aInfoNew(i) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
> For n = 0 to UBound(aInfo())
>       aInfoNew(n).Name = aInfo(n).Name
>       aInfoNew(n).Value = aInfo(n).Value
> next
> aInfoNew(i).Name = "inactivity-timeout"
> aInfoNew(i).Value = "600"
> oDataSource.Info = aInfoNew()
> without success, oDataSource.Info isn't modified.

The same problem strikes here: When you modify the Info member, this is
implicitly forwarded to the Settings. When you ask for Info, again, this
is retrieved from the Settings - and again the data source assumes the
property is default, since it has just been added.

>> If this doesn't work for whatever reasons (I'd be interested in the
>> results), then try doing a reload at the form after you have set the
>> connection - this should force the form to use the new connection. If
>> this doesn't work, too - then more details about how you do this, please.
> If bNewCon = false then 'global flag
>       oCon = oDriver.getConnectionWithInfo(sDatabaseURL,mDBProperties())
>       wait 1000
>       oForm.Reload()
>       wait 5000 'yes, should create a XLoadListener here
>       For i = 0 to UBound(oForm.ActiveConnection.Metadata.ConnectionInfo())
>               sTmp = sTmp & CHR(13) & 
> oForm.ActiveConnection.Metadata.ConnectionInfo(i).Name
>       next
>       msgBox sTmp
>       'without inactivity-timeout
>       For i = 0 to UBound(oCon.Metadata.ConnectionInfo())
>               sTmp = sTmp & CHR(13) & oCon.Metadata.ConnectionInfo(i).Name
>       next
>       msgBox sTmp
>       'with inactivity-timeout
>       bNewCon = true
> End If

Again, this doesn't work for the same reasons: When the form establishes
a connection, it uses Info, not Settings. As explained above, Info
doesn't return your newly added setting.

The bottom line is: Use a pair of "addProperty" (for initially adding
the property) and "setPropertyValue" (for setting it to a different
value, which is not considered to be the default) calls, this should
(finally) work.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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