Martin d'Anjou schrieb:
> Hello,
> I started using OO Base with ODBC and MySQL. It was slow to the point of
> being unusable, and I almost gave up. However, I found that if I use the
> IP address of the database server rather than the hostname, things go
> much faster.
> What I did was edit the /etc/odbc.ini and put the IP for the Server
> field, like this:
> [MySQL-test]
> Description     = MySQL database test
> Driver          = MySQL
> Server          =
> Database        = test
> Port            = 3306

Maybe some question can help to find the right answer for your problem:

1. Is it right that you use MySQl in the intranet not over the internet?

2. What do you want to do?

3. Do you use Win or Linux? If Linux which distri?



Dipl. Ing. Mechtilde Stehmann
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